
  • 网络english letter
  1. 关于现代商业英文书信写作风格的探讨

    Study on Writing Style for Modern Business English Letters

  2. 据相关研究资料表明相当一部分高中学生的英文书信写作存在着一定问题。

    English letter writing is a writing format that senior high school students have to master .

  3. 本书专为想学一般及商业英文书信写作的中级学生设计。

    This textbook is for intermediate students who want to learn general and business English correspondence .

  4. 简洁是指英文书信的表达应该流畅、言简意赅,用尽量短的篇幅表达尽量多的内容。

    Conciseness means that the expression of the letter should be eloquent , brief , and comprehensive .

  5. 英文书信的格式就和信封地址一样,也可分为平头式和缩进式两种。

    Similar to the form of the address of the envelop , the form of the letter can also be divided into block form and indented form .

  6. 无论中文商务书信还是英文商务书信都必须遵守六C原则。

    The six Cs'principles must be observed in business writing both in Chinese and English .

  7. 英文商务书信语篇礼貌的语用探析

    A Pragmatic Approach to Politeness in Business Letters in English

  8. 一封出色的英文商业书信将可能影响一笔生意的成功与否,所以赶快阅读以下相关内容,成为一名写作高手!

    A well-written business letter can make or break your business deal , so read on to become a writing pro !