
  1. 我们先聊聊英国茶!

    I thought we could talk about English tea first !

  2. 你想要中国茶还是英国茶?

    You want Chinese or English tea ?

  3. 这种分析和欣赏英语小说中的英国茶文化,在英美文学专业和茶文化专业均属首次。

    Appreciating tea culture in English novels is new both in the disciplines of English literature and tea culture .

  4. 论文从法国著名哲学家福柯的理论引入对英国茶文化和女性权力的关系进行分析,这在同类研究中尚属首次。

    For the first time , the definition of power of French philosopher Michel Foucault is used in analyzing the relationship of female power and tea culture in the research field of China .

  5. 本论文试图突破英国茶文化从历史、文化、经济等单一领域入手的研究模式,而将多学科、多视角、多方位地探讨英国茶文化的独特风采,同时展示茶的多维魅力。

    This paper focuses on the unique characteristics of British tea culture as well as multidimensional charms of tea under multiple disciplines and perspectives , which breaks through the traditional pattern of studying from a point of single-subject , such as history , culture , economics and so on .

  6. 然而,在今天的英国,茶正变得像咖啡和牛奶一样受欢迎。

    However , tea is becoming as popular as coffee and milk in England today .

  7. 在英国,茶被视为一种习惯性的饮料。

    Tea is considered to be the usual drink in Britain .

  8. 我将出售英国的茶和烤饼。

    I would like to sell tea and scones from England .

  9. 在英国,茶是最受欢迎的饮料。

    Tea is the most popular beverage in Britain .

  10. 传统的英国下午茶,充满了浪漫和闲逸,它是对家人和朋友的一种款待。

    The traditional British afternoon tea is full of romance and leisure as a treat for family members and friends .

  11. 水果和浆果的果冻用于早餐时涂面包和制作三明治,或在英国下午茶时间涂在圆饼和其它烤饼上吃。

    Fruit jellies and jams are eaten on breakfast breads and in sandwiches and accompany the scones and other baked goods of the British tea meal .

  12. 只是英国早餐茶这一说法却不是从英国而来的,而是从殖民地时期从美国而来。

    The practice of referring to such a blend as English breakfast tea appears to have originated not in England but America , as far back as Colonial times .

  13. 英国早餐茶是由集中红茶以一定比例拼配而成,是一种口味醇厚,香味浓郁的饮品。适合搭配牛奶和糖。与多姿多彩的英式早餐相得益彰。

    English Breakfast tea is a black tea blend usually described as full-bodied , robust , and / or rich , and blended to go well with milk and sugar , in a style traditionally associated with a hearty English breakfast .

  14. 从前在英国根本没有茶。

    Once upon a time there was no tea at all in England .

  15. 英国刚有茶的时候,一对老夫妻得到了一些作为特别款待的茶。

    When tea was first brought to England , an old couple got some as a special treat .

  16. 各种各样的半甜的小甜饼,英国人和茶一起使用。

    Any of various semisweet cookies that the British serve with tea .

  17. 帕蒂格鲁以伦敦新近开张的几家茶餐厅为例,证明英国对精茶的兴趣日趣浓厚。

    Pettigrew points to several new London openings as evidence of the burgeoning interest in fine tea .

  18. 提名名单中包含了巨石遗址、双层巴士、炸鱼片配薯条、英国天气和茶。

    Nominations included stonehenge , the double decker bus , fish and chips , the English weat yr and the cup of tea .

  19. 人们可以想出许多理由来解释,为什么英国人对茶的钟爱是不可避免的(例如,沸水烹茶可以降低你罹患胃病的可能性)。

    And one could come up with any number of rationales for why the current state of affairs was inevitable ( boiling water to make tea , for instance , made it less likely to give you a stomach bug ) .

  20. 在英国曼彻斯特培育的茶黑色短毛狗。

    Breed of short-haired black-and-tan terrier developed in Manchester England .

  21. 来到中国的英国传统&下午茶

    A British Tradition Comes to Beijing & Afternoon Tea

  22. 对于一般的英国男女来说,茶通常指的是印度茶。

    Tea to the average English man or woman usually means Indian tea .

  23. 英国人喝很多茶。

    The British drink a lot of tea .

  24. 英国人喝早餐茶的习惯事实上是英国长久以来的传统。

    Drinking a blend of black teas for breakfast is indeed a longstanding British custom .

  25. 大堂酒廊提供英国式的下午茶,而在贵族厅里则可以享受到白兰地,威士忌和雪茄。

    The Lobby Lounge offers British --- inspired afternoon tea , while cognac , whiskeyand cigars provide the perfect nightcap in the Aristocrat Lounge .

  26. 大家好,欢迎到“怎样做英格兰人”的另一节,我的名字是查理,今天我要给你演示一个古老的英国艺术,那就是怎样弄一杯英国茶。

    Hello , Welcome to another episode of how to be English , in today my name is charles and today I going to show you the ancient english art , that is making a cup of tea .

  27. 英国最大的茶叶公司我大多参观过,但没有哪一家是中国茶文化真正的传道者,愧对英国茶迷对茶的热爱。

    I 'd visited most of Britain 's largest tea companies but had never located the fiery evangelist for China tea that British tea lovers deserve .