
  • 网络Chai;Masala Chai
  1. 就这样,大夏天,也能享受一杯香浓的印度奶茶了。

    Now you could too enjoy a cup of Chai when it 's hot out !

  2. 过去一年里,我们在本地饭馆品尝印度奶茶及三角饼时,或者在五颜六色的使馆派对上享受威士忌和鸡肉串时,常常着了魔似地讨论一个话题:我们是否罔顾孩子的利益,来追求自己的事业?

    Over the last year , often over chai and samosas at local dhabas or whiskey and chicken tikka at glittering embassy parties , we have obsessively discussed whether we are pursuing our careers at our children 's expense .

  3. 营养丰富的骨汤甚至开始取代浓咖啡和印度奶茶,成为上千万对旧石器饮食(禁止食用或饮用咖啡、茶、奶制品、豆类和谷物)多少有点兴趣的美国人外带杯中的饮料。

    Nourishing bone broth has even begun to replace espresso and chai in the to-go cups of the millions of Americans who have at least attempted the Paleo diet . ( Coffee and tea , along with dairy products , legumes and grains , are forbidden . )