
  • 网络english education major;Program in English Language Teaching/Education
  1. 基于新课改背景下英语教育专业教师的行为研究

    Teachers ' Behavior Study of English Education Major Based on Curriculum Revolution

  2. 加强专业建设,促进学校内涵发展&以英语教育专业建设为例

    Strengthening the Construction of Specialties and Improving the Connotation of the College & Based on English Education Major

  3. 高校英语教育专业短学期开放式实践教学4C人才培养模式存在的问题与对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of the Short-Term Open Practical Teaching in English Education Specialty

  4. 英语教育专业短学期教学实践探索&文化素养与4C能力的关系

    On the short-termed teaching of the English majors & Relationship between culture cultivation and 4Cs

  5. 2l世纪对师专英语教育专业人才知识、能力、素质的要求

    The Demands of Teachers College Students Major in English in the 21st Century

  6. 以50名英语教育专业学生为研究对象,并使用09年BOEC测试卷作为本次口语测试卷。

    The author chose 50 English Educational majors as the subjects and adopted Beijing Oral English Certificate ( BOEC ) as the test paper .

  7. 需求分析与英语教育专业课程设置

    Needs Analysis and the Course Design in English Teacher Education Speciality

  8. 谈谈英语教育专业本科毕业论文的写作

    A Guide to Graduation Thesis Writing for College English Education Majors

  9. 小学英语教育专业教学改革目标和方向

    On the teaching reform of primary English education specialty in Guangxi

  10. 小学英语教育专业英语语音教学个案研究

    Case Studies on English Pronunciation Teaching of Primary English Education Majors

  11. 高职高专英语教育专业教学法课程改革思考

    On English Methodology Course Reform of English Education Major in College

  12. 师专英语教育专业《综合英语》课教学浅论

    On Teaching of Integrated English for English Majors of Teachers ' Colleges

  13. 英语教育专业基础课程的改革尝试

    Reforms of Basic Courses of Educational Speciality of English Department

  14. 毕业于肇庆学院,英语教育专业。

    Graduated from Zhaoqing University , majoring in English Education .

  15. 师专英语教育专业学习需求的调查与分析

    A Survey of the Learning Needs of English Major in Teachers Colleges

  16. 高职高专英语教育专业特色的探讨

    Probe into the features of the English educational specialty in a poly-college

  17. 高职高专英语教育专业高级英语教学对策探讨

    Discussion on the Teaching Method of Advanced English in Higher Professional Training Schools

  18. 谈英语教育专业学生的素质培养

    On Students ' Quality Training in English Normal Speciality

  19. 论英语教育专业学生跨文化意识的培养

    On Fostering Cross-cultural Awareness of English Education Majors

  20. 讲故事与专科师范学校英语教育专业技能培养

    Story-telling and the Cultivation of Teaching Skills of English Majors in Secondary Teachers ' Colleges

  21. 高职英语教育专业学生语音石化现象及缓解策略

    Phonetic Fossilization Phenomena in Students of English Education of Vocational Colleges and the Coping Strategies

  22. 我主修幼儿英语教育专业。

    I majored kids English education .

  23. 试论高职英语教育专业建设与课程体系的构建

    On Establishment of English Education Specialty and Construction of Its Curriculum System in Higher Vocational Education

  24. 案例教学在高职英语教育专业翻译教学中的应用

    On Case-based Teaching in the Translation for the Students Major in English Education in Vocational Colleges

  25. 师专英语教育专业泛读课基础教学初探

    Studies in the Basic Teaching of Extensive Reading in English Educational Speciality of the Teachers College

  26. 学能、动机与学习成就&专升本英语教育专业学生个案研究

    Aptitude , Motivation and Learning Achievement ── Case studies of the BA students Of English Language Education

  27. 在这两大趋势之下,学前英语教育专业逐渐生成并蓬勃发展。

    Against this backdrop , the major of Pre-school English Education began to take shape and flourished .

  28. 因此,课程改革已成为高师院校英语教育专业改革的重心。

    Therefore , the curriculum reform has become the emphasis of English education professional reform in normal universities .

  29. 中国高师英语教育专业的课程优化初步研究

    Preliminary Findings on Curriculum Optimization for English Education Programs in Normal Universities & A Tentative Perspective in China Context

  30. 问卷在淄博师专2009级英语教育专业的149名学生的配合下完成。

    The questionnaires are well finished by 149 students of English Education majors of Zibo Normal College who are freshmen .