
  • 网络Apple City;Apple town
  1. 你知道大苹果城是哪个城市吗?

    Do you know which city called the big apple ?

  2. 但是,为什么青蛙在大苹果城会被忽视呢?

    But how does a frog go unnoticed in the big apple ?

  3. 红色是“大苹果城”纽约的象征。

    The color is in honor of the Big Apple .

  4. 小苹果城:这只狗狗身上驮着整个纽约城。

    Small Apple : This dog went all out by dressing up as New York City .

  5. 大苹果城在对互联网及科技新兴企业的风险投资方面甚至超越马萨诸塞州,而仅次于硅谷。

    The Big Apple even overtook Massachusetts in venture-capital funding for internet and tech start-ups , making it second only to Silicon Valley .

  6. 我仍清楚地记得我的儿子杰克逊出生的那一天。我们当时在季后赛对阵尼克斯,我们在下午晚些时候刚抵达大苹果城。

    I still vividly remember the day my son Jackson was born.We were in the playoffs against New York and we had just landed in the Big Apple late that afternoon .

  7. 大苹果城的成功引人注目:地铁线路运营畅通,隧道的积水被排空,是的,大多数地区的电网也已恢复。

    The Big Apple has succeeded to an impressive degree : subway lines are working , tunnels are drained and , yes , for the most part the electricity grid is back .

  8. 根据与GT达成的协议,苹果要在凤凰城附近设计建造一家工厂并出租给GT,其电力将来自专为该厂建造的太阳能电池阵。

    Under the agreement with GT , Apple was to design and build a facility near Phoenix , and lease it to GT , drawing power from a purpose-built solar array .

  9. 在这里他们一方面要赶在格格巫和阿兹猫找到他们之前回到自己的蘑菇村庄,另一方面只有三个苹果高的他们也要在纽约这座大苹果之城展开冒险。

    Just three apples high and stuck in the Big Apple , the Smurfs must find a way to get back to their village before Gargamel tracks them down .