
pínɡ ɡuǒ shù
  • apple tree
  1. 你能否告诉我该不该修剪苹果树?

    Can you tell me whether it is a good thing to prune an apple tree ?

  2. 当然,影响一棵苹果树寿命的因素有很多。

    Of course , a number of factors will dictate how long an apple tree can survive

  3. 苹果树应该什么时候剪枝?

    When should you prune apple trees ?

  4. 花园里,苹果树和梨树患枯枝病最明显。

    In gardens , cankers are most prominent on apples and pear trees .

  5. 他正站在梯子顶上锯他那颗苹果树的树冠。

    He was up a ladder sawing off the tops of his apple trees

  6. 我栽了那些苹果树。

    I planted those apple trees .

  7. 她的花园里有几棵成熟的苹果树。

    There are several mature apple trees in her garden .

  8. 这片桃树中杂有几棵苹果树。

    There are a few apple trees scattered among these peach trees .

  9. 我急忙跑到后院,一棵苹果树耐心地等着我。

    I hurried directly to my backyard , where an apple tree patiently waited for me .

  10. 现在你不仅抢走了所有人的水果,还毁了一棵好苹果树!

    Now you not only have robbed everyone of the fruit , but also you have destroyeda good apple tree !

  11. 有一次,他派了四个学生去一个小农场看不同季节的苹果树。

    Once he sent four of his students to go to a small farm to see apple trees in different seasons .

  12. 一天,他的朋友给了农夫一棵小苹果树,让他带回家种。

    One day , his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to take it home and plant it .

  13. 一天,农夫的朋友给了他一棵小苹果树,让他把它带回家种。

    One day , the farmer 's friend gave him a young apple tree and told him to take it home and plant it .

  14. 他们把苹果树周围的泥土夯实

    They tamped down the earth around the apple tree .

  15. 一棵苹果树经过漫长的分枝抽叶终于结果了。

    An apple tree , after going through a long time ramification and sprouting , finally fruited .

  16. 小路那边有一只夜鸱在唱:“威普威噢,威普威噢!”鲁维坐在一棵苹果树下,吸着他的烟斗;

    From across the road a bird sang “ Whippoorwill , whippoorwill ! ” Lurvy sat down under an apple tree and lit his pipe ;

  17. 第二天,威伯被从他在苹果树下的小房子里带走,住进了祖克曼先生的谷仓下面,地窖里的牛粪堆旁。

    Next day Wilbur was taken from his home under the apple tree and went to live in a manure16 pile in the cellar of Zuchkerman 's barn .

  18. 阿拉贝尔先生在苹果树下为威伯特别圈了一座小院子,在里面给他搭了一个铺满稻草的大房子,房子底下还留出一个小门,如果他高兴,他可以随时从中进出。

    Mr. Arable fixed2 a small yard specially3 for Wilbur under an apple tree , and gave him a large wooden box full of straw , with a doorway4 cut in it so he could walk in and out as he pleased .

  19. 矮化中间砧苹果树~(14)C同化物质分配和运转的研究

    Effect of Dwarfing Interstock on Distribution and Transportation of ~ ( 14 ) C-assimilates Content of Apple Tree

  20. PP(333)对初果期苹果树的影响

    The effect of pp333 ( paclobutrazal ) on first bearing apple trees

  21. 苹果树Zn含量的年变化及与根活力的关系

    Annual variations of zinc content in apple trees and its relation with root vigour

  22. 不同砧木红星苹果树含水量的日变化呈V形曲线。

    Diurnal changes of relative water content of Starking apple trees on different rootstocks presented as a " V " shaped curve .

  23. 苹果树VA菌根真菌接种效应

    Efficacy of VA Mycorrhizal Fungi Inoculation on Apple Trees

  24. 本文为进一步揭示NH4N与NO3N作氮源时,对苹果树生长发育过程中物质代谢与植株形态的相互作用的研究打下了基础。

    This article could provide a basis of further studying the interaction between metabolism and morphology in the growth and development of apple plants when NH_4-N and NO_3-N were used as nitrogen sources .

  25. 叶面喷施磁化复合肥对新红垦(Starkrimson)苹果树微量营养元素含量影响的研究

    Studies on the effect of the foliage sprayed with magnetized compound fertilizer on the micro nutritional elements content of Starkrimson Apple Trees

  26. 以盆栽新红星苹果树为试材,研究了土壤干旱条件下果实对水分利用效率(WUE)及有关参数日变化的影响。

    Potted Starkrimson apple trees were used as materials in the experiment . Effects of fruit on water use efficiency ( WUE ) and relevant parameters were studied under soil drought .

  27. 用果实套袋(遮光处理)的方法,研究了6年生M26矮化砧苹果树果实套袋对干物质生产能力的影响。

    This essay studied the effect of shading fruit by bagging in the dry matter production in apple trees from M 26 Dwarfing Rootstock .

  28. 蕨冈山狄兰·托马斯(DylanThomas)杨牧/译那时我年轻愚呆苹果树下无忧无虑枝枒环绕如歌的房屋我快乐和草一般绿,幽谷上方有的是满天星斗,时间容许我欢呼且攀爬在他眼神极盛的金光灿烂下,

    FERN HILL Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green , The night above the dingle starry , Time let me hail and climb Golden in the heydays of his eyes ,

  29. 采用平板和离体培养法测定S-921菌株及其发酵液对苹果树腐烂病菌的作用。

    The effects of S-921 strain ( Streptomyces aureus ) and its fermented broth on apple tree canker , Valsa mali , were tested by plating and free culture methods .

  30. 结果表明,S-921菌对苹果树腐烂病菌有较强的抗生作用,二者在PDA平极培养基上共同培养时,能产生直径30~40mm的抑菌圈。

    The results shown that the S-921 strain had a strong antibiotic effect . An inhibiting circle with a diameter of 30-40 mm was produced on the PDA plate in which the S-921 strain and V. mali were inoculated .