
pínɡ ɡuǒ xiàn bǐnɡ
  • apple pie;apple tart
  1. 我想来一块苹果馅饼。

    I think I 'll have a piece of apple pie .

  2. 库柏:你要品尝美国式晚餐,那就少不了苹果馅饼。

    You wanted an American dinner , and there 's nothing more American apple pie .

  3. 你这馋嘴,把苹果馅饼全吃了!

    You 've eaten all the apple pies , you glutton !

  4. Largeman承认该理论无法解释为什么有些孕妇爱吃泡菜,有些爱吃苹果馅饼。

    Largeman acknowledges that the theory doesn 't account for why some pregnant women hunger for pickles and others for apple strudel .

  5. 那热气腾腾的苹果馅饼把他诱惑得不去顾及自己需要节食。

    The steaming apple pie tempted HIM to disregard his diet .

  6. 葛丽塔甚至让我给丁肯先生送去一个大苹果馅饼。

    Greta even had me take a big apple pie to Mr.

  7. 母亲做的苹果馅饼总是能给孩子们解馋。

    Mother 's apple pie always hits the spot with boys .

  8. 把苹果馅饼放到下层烤箱里

    Now , put that apple tart in the lower oven .

  9. 斯卡曼德先生喜欢苹果馅饼还是薄酥卷饼

    Hey , Mr. Scamander , you prefer pie or strudel ?

  10. 我想吃一些法式油炸食品和苹果馅饼。

    I want some French fries and an apple pie .

  11. 我们的宴会还需要五个苹果馅饼。

    We need five more apple pies for the party .

  12. 我正在用我新买的煎锅做苹果馅饼。

    I am cooking apple pies with my newly bought frying pan .

  13. 我有覆盆子果酱,苹果馅饼。

    We 've got raspberry jam , an apple tart .

  14. 饭后甜点有苹果馅饼、冰淇淋和水果可选。

    There is apple pie , ice cream or fruit for dessert .

  15. 电影表现了富有民俗风味的美国,有苹果馅饼,有友好的邻居。

    The film evokes a folksy America of apple pies and friendly neighbours .

  16. 服:有苹果馅饼、白脱布丁和杏仁饼。

    Apple pie , butter pudding and almond biscuits .

  17. 但如果希望进一步了解苹果馅饼该如何做?

    But what if I want to know more about the apple cobbler ?

  18. 亨利喜欢吃草莓馅饼,可他的妻子经常烤苹果馅饼。

    Henry prefers strawberry pie , but his wife always bakes apple pie .

  19. 我们闻到了新鲜苹果馅饼的香味。

    We sniffed the aroma of fresh apple pie .

  20. 你还要一块苹果馅饼吗?

    Would you like another piece of apple pie ?

  21. 含椰丝的蛋白杏仁饼干。服:有苹果馅饼、白脱布丁和杏仁饼。

    Macaroon containing coconut . Apple pie , butter pudding and almond biscuits .

  22. 吃一片苹果馅饼吧。

    Help yourself to a slice of apple tart .

  23. 现在有苹果馅饼吗?

    But have you got any apple pies ?

  24. 我倒想要一份苹果馅饼。

    I 'd rather have an apple pie .

  25. 有苹果馅饼、香蕉奶油馅饼和南瓜馅饼。

    Apple , banana cream and pumpkin pie .

  26. 我们就来一些美味的苹果馅饼。

    We get some delicious apple strudel .

  27. 由于客人在吃苹果馅饼时,家里没有奶酪了,于是女主人向大家表示歉意。

    The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese .

  28. 我给你做了个苹果馅饼。

    I made you an apple pie .

  29. 大多数美国人认为,与篮球和苹果馅饼一样,冰激凌也是美式食品。

    Most Americans think that ice cream is as American as basketball and apple pie .

  30. 请吃点苹果馅饼。

    Help yourself to this apple pie .