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  • indinavir
  1. 茚地那韦属于蛋白酶抑制剂,是一种抗病毒药物,已用于治疗HIV感染及获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)病人。

    Indinavir is a protease inhibitor that has been found to be extremely effective for patients with HIV and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ( AIDS ) .

  2. 结论:茚地那韦在SD大鼠、猕猴和比格犬肝微粒体的代谢特征与其在人肝微粒体上的代谢特征相似。

    Conclusions The characteristics of metabolic stability of indinavir in SD rat , monkey and beagle dog liver microsomes were similar to human .

  3. 茚地那韦(indinavir)在HAART疗法中占有十分重要的地位,与逆转录病毒制剂(如:核苷或非核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂)合用能治疗成人的HIV-I感染。

    Indinavir occupies an important position in the HAART therapy , which can be combined with antiretroviral agents ( such as : nucleoside or non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors ) to treat adult HIV-I infection .

  4. LC/MS/MS测定人血浆中茚地那韦的浓度

    LC / MS / MS determination of indinavir in human plasma

  5. 同其他蛋白酶抑制剂相比,茚地那韦形成尿路结石的危险最大。

    However , of all protease inhibitors currently in use , indinavir is associated with the greatest risk for the development of urolithiasis .

  6. 本文综述了茚地那韦尿路结石的发病率、形成机制、诊断与治疗方法,并对如何预防茚地那韦尿路结石提出了建议。

    We review the incidence , mechanism of formation , diagnosis and treatment of indinavir urolithiasis , and suggest how to prevent stone formation .
