
  • 网络The Juilliard School
  1. 茱莉亚学院(JuilliardSchool)周一宣布,准备推进在中国的扩张计划。学院已“初步获得批准”,与中国的几家合作伙伴一起,在天津兴建一所可以提供硕士学位课程的学校。

    The Juilliard School announced on Monday that it was moving forward with plans to expand in China , saying that it had received " preliminary approval " to build , with several Chinese partners , a school in Tianjin that would offer a master 's degree program .

  2. 该校周一表示,天津茱莉亚学院预计在2018年开校,校舍由DillerScofidio+Renfro设计。茱莉亚纽约总部校区的扩建工作也是由这家设计师事务所负责的。

    It said on Monday that it expected to open its Tianjin Juilliard School in 2018 , in a new facility designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro , which worked on the expansion of its New York home .

  3. 好几年来,茱莉亚学院一直希望在中国开办一所学校。

    Juilliard has been hoping to open a school in China for several years .

  4. 茱莉亚学院表示,它正在与天津音乐学院、天津滨海新区中心商务区管理委员会、天津新金融投资有限公司等机构合作,一起建立这所新学校。

    Juilliard said that it was working with partners including the Tianjin Conservatory of Music , the Tianjin Binhai New Area CBD Administrative Commission and the Tianjin Innovative Finance Investment Company to develop the new school .

  5. 此外,他曾在纽约茱莉亚音乐学院(JuilliardSchool)跟随罗伯特·马恩(RobertMann)学习。

    He also studied with Robert Mann at the Juilliard School in New York .

  6. Nathaniel从茱莉亚音乐学院辍学,他完全崩溃了

    Nathaniel dropped out of Juilliard , he suffered a complete breakdown ,

  7. CNN资深医疗特派员桑杰·古普塔:对何吉米而言,在名校茱莉亚音乐学院学习大提琴只不过是他忙碌人生中的一小部分而已。

    DR. SANJAY GUPTA , CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT : For Jimmy Hom , studying cello at the elite Juilliard : Music School is just one part of a busy life .

  8. 所以,长话短说,他要去茱莉亚音乐学院了。

    So , long story short , he 's going to Juilliard .

  9. 先生,我必须这么做…因为,我下个月在茱莉亚音乐学院有一场试听会,而我必须练习。

    Mister , I have to use it ... because I have an audition at Juilliard next month and I have to practice .

  10. 德吕克曼任教于茱莉亚音乐学院,巴德学院,邓肯;此外,他所导演的电子音乐工作室和教授组成,在布鲁克林学院。

    Druckman taught at the Juilliard school , bard college , and tanglewood ; in addition he was director of the electronic music studio and professor of composition at Brooklyn college .