
  • 网络ANISETTE;anise;pastis;sambuca
  1. 他们更喜欢茴香酒,当地甚至没有葡萄酒节。

    They prefer pastis , and don 't even have local wine festivals .

  2. 他看去像个真正的法国人,抽吉塔内烟,喝茴香酒。

    He looked like a real frenchman , smoking gitanes and drinking a pastis .

  3. 有法国茴香酒吗?你还等什么了?

    Do you have France pasties ? What are you waiting for ?

  4. 我们只有茴香酒,所以是

    Well , we only had sambuca , so it is now .

  5. 分层;沙特勒滋在底部,然后是酸樱桃,顶部是茴香酒。

    Layer in order : Chartreuse on bottom then Kirsch and finally Absinth on top .

  6. 黑根拿过酒瓶,给他俩各倒一杯火红的、有点甘草味的茴香酒。

    Hagen switched bottles and poured them both a portion of the fiery , licorice-tasting alcohol .

  7. 这种在希腊和塞浦路斯酿造的浓烈、甜型茴香酒叫什么名字?

    Drier and more potent than anisette , this semi-sweet anise liqueur is made in Greece and Cyprus .

  8. 海港边的餐厅里,大家在喝咖啡,或者搅动玻璃杯中云雾般的黄色茴香酒。

    In the cafes by the harbor , people drank coffee or stirred glasses of cloudy yellow Pernod .

  9. 黑根给他们每个人都倒了杯茴香酒,等他们干杯之后,黑根才向他们汇报了当天晚上的变故。

    They all had a drink of anisette which Hagen poured them before he told them the story of that night .

  10. 此酒原需要苦艾酒的,不是法产茴香酒培诺。出自著名调酒师亨瑞詹姆森之手。

    This cocktail originally called for absinthe , not Pernod fils , and was created by famous barman , Harry johnson .

  11. 假如真是这样的话,物理学家将别想侦测到它。假如法国佩诺茴香酒的味道这样差,我不要了!

    If that is really the case , physicists have no hope of ever detecting it . It that 's what pernod tastes like you can keep it !