
  • 网络Tea Tree;Tea tree oil;melaleuca;tto;MELALEUCA ALTERNIFOLIA
  1. 他们发现,暴露于低剂量的茶树油会使病原体如甲氧西林耐药金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)、大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌对抗生素更加耐药,进而造成更加严重的感染。

    They discovered that exposure to low doses of Tea Tree Oil make pathogens such as MRSA , E.coli and Salmonella more resistant to antibiotics , and capable of causing more serious infections .

  2. 芦荟凝胶,茶树油,佛手柑,薄荷。

    Aloe gel , tea tree oil , bergamot , peppermint .

  3. 金黄色葡萄球菌生物膜对茶树油的抵抗性研究

    Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus Biofilm to Tea Tree Oil Compound Preparation

  4. 不同工艺生产茶树油产品质量的研究

    Study on Quality of Tea-tree Oil Produced by Different Production Processes

  5. 茶树油纳米脂质体制备及处方设计与优化

    Optimization of the preparation and prescription of nano-sized tea tree oil liposomes

  6. 茶树油具有抗真菌、抗细菌和抗病毒的功能。

    It is a powerful anti-fungal , anti-bacterial , an ti-viral agent .

  7. 自然条件下乳化茶树油在香蕉保鲜中的应用

    Application of emulsified tea-tree oil on fresh-keeping of banana under natural condition

  8. 茶树油灭活脊髓灰质炎病毒的试验观察

    Experimental observation of the inactivating effect of tea tree oil on poliovirus

  9. 茶树油抗菌作用机理研究进展

    Progress on mechanism of antimicrobial activity of tea tree oil

  10. 小贴士:茶树油可以渗透皮肤细胞。

    Tip Tea tree oil penetrates the skin 's cells .

  11. 茶树油妇女洗液抗菌性能研究

    Study on antimicrobic property of tea tree oil woman Lotion

  12. 茶树油的提取工艺优化试验研究

    Study on Optimum Extraction Technology for Tea Tree Oil

  13. 为什么茶树油在化妆品中这么受欢迎?

    Why is tea tree oil so popular in all kinds of cosmetics ?

  14. 茶树油在体外和活体内对眼部脂螨的灭活作用

    In vitro and in vivo killing of ocular Demodex by tea tree oil

  15. 向保湿霜中加入一滴茶树油可以保持皮肤光滑。

    Add a drop to your moisturizing cream to keep your skin smooth .

  16. 茶树油可以渗透皮肤细胞。

    Tea tree oil penetrates the skin 's cells .

  17. 我曾听到有些人在谈到茶树油帮助,以防止突破

    I have heard some people talk about Tea Tree Oil helping to prevent breakouts

  18. 我有时会加一些,茶树油,熏衣草。

    I also add eucalyptus essential oil , tea tree oil or sometimes lavender .

  19. 除其他配料,胶体银和茶树油已被证明在

    Among other ingredients , the colloidal silver and tea tree oil have been shown in

  20. 把一两滴茶树油溶于水中用来漱口也是良方;

    Gargling with one or two drops of tea tree oil mixed with water helps ;

  21. 茶树油的性质及其应用

    Properties and applications of tea tree oil

  22. 4.用茶树油涂抹

    Step 4 Treat with tea tree oil

  23. 用茶树油防止感染

    Ward off infection with tea tree oil

  24. 什么是茶树油?

    What is Tea Tree Oil ?

  25. 本论文第三部分为对茶树油阴道栓剂的有效性、安全性的初步评价。

    The third part is evaluation of validity and safety of the tea tree oil vaginal suppository .

  26. 由于茶树油含有抗炎成分它日渐成为一种常用抗菌剂。

    Tea tree oil has grown more popular as an antimicrobial agent because of its anti-inflammatory properties .

  27. 用未稀释的茶树油涂抹指甲,每天两到三次,坚持六个月的时间。

    Treat nail fungus with undiluted tea tree oil drops two to three times daily for six months .

  28. 众所周知,茶树油和桉树精油混合在一起能够杀灭细菌。

    Tea tree oil is well known for its antibacterial properties and ability to kill bacteria along with eucalyptus

  29. 因此开发茶树油与化学杀菌剂的混用制剂将具有较大的应用价值。

    Therefore the development of tea tree oil and chemical fungicide mixture preparation will have greater application value .

  30. 之后,我们又成为第一个将茶树油引进美国的公司。

    The company then went on to become the first to introduce Tea Tree Oil to the United States .