
  • 网络Tea tree oil;Tea Tree;melaleuca;Tea Tree Essential Oil
  1. 而茶树精油也会添加在洗发精里以去除头虱(惊!)

    Tea tree oil is sometimes used in shampoos for head lice .

  2. 在烧伤或烫伤后,直接滴茶树精油在创口部位。

    For bums or scalds , drop Tea Tree oil directly on the effected area .

  3. 茶树精油与用于饮用的茶无任何关系。

    Tree oil has no connection with the tea which is drunk .

  4. 用于治疗痤疮,最好的办法就是在你自己的皮肤清洁剂里加入茶树精油。

    To treat acne Tea Tree Essential Oil is best used by blending your own skin wash .

  5. 茶树精油是它的克星!

    Tea Tree is great !

  6. 用后皮肤清爽不干燥,茶树精油馨香味。

    After using , the skin is clean , not dry but with tea plant essential fragrant .

  7. 茶树精油也可有效治疗唇疱疹,痤疮,肉赘和肉疣。

    Tea tree essential oil can also be used has a treatment for cold sores , acne , verrucae and warts .

  8. 茶树精油拥有巨大的治疗功效,数百年来作为一个有效的治疗物用于治疗许多疾病。

    Tea Tree oil has great healing properties and has been used throughout the centuries as a useful treatment for many ailments ;

  9. 茶树精油:茶树精油是一种天然药剂,能够有效对抗所有三大类感染性生物体,分有细菌、病毒、真菌。

    Tea Tree Oil : Tea Tree Oil is a natural agent that is effective against all three categories of infectious organisms : bacteria , viruses and fungi .

  10. 在出现感冒,流行性感冒症状的初期,茶树精油的效果显得尤其突出,因为它能刺激人体排汗,这是人体天生的自我保护的方式之一。

    Tea Tree can be especially useful during the first signs of colds and flu as it stimulates sweating which is one of the body 's natural forms of defence .

  11. 用于治疗唇疱疹,在有灼热感的初期就直接用纯茶树精油或混合少许伏特加酒轻拍患处。

    For cold sores dab neat Tea Tree Essential Oil directly onto the burning sensation at the first signs of a cold sore , or use it mixed with a little vodka .

  12. 用于消除肉赘和肉疣,每日一次在患处中央滴一滴纯茶树精油,再用创可贴盖上即可,可能得花数周才能见到明显效果。

    For verrucae and warts place a drop of neat Tea Tree Essential Oil in the centre and cover with a plaster once a day , this procedure can take a couple of weeks before you will see the results .

  13. 含天然茶树、薰衣草精油等成份,可以消除汗味及异味。成份天然不含刺激性化学物质,给您带来整天清新芬芳。

    Earth Science uses Tea Tree and Lavender Oils in this gentle , effective and long-lasting formula to control odor all day long without aluminum or other harsh chemicals .

  14. 众所周知,茶树油和桉树精油混合在一起能够杀灭细菌。

    Tea tree oil is well known for its antibacterial properties and ability to kill bacteria along with eucalyptus