
  • 网络Rosemary Essential Oil;rosemary oil;Rosmarinus officinalis
  1. 迷迭香精油可以促使皮肤能够生产自己的油。

    Rosemary essential oil is said to encourage the skin to produce its own oil .

  2. 薄荷油和迷迭香精油的味道可以增强敏捷性。

    The scent of peppermint and rosemary essential oils has been shown to increase alertness .

  3. 迷迭香精油周年变化及迷迭香对降血脂作用的研究

    Study on Essential Oil of Rosemary in Anniversary and Effect on Reducing Blood Lipids of Rosemary

  4. 薄荷油或迷迭香精油

    Peppermint or rosemary essential oil

  5. 梳头之前在梳子上加几滴迷迭香精油,这样可以让头发更加厚密。

    Thicken your hair by putting a couple drops of rosemary essential oil on your hairbrush before brushing .

  6. 第三部:滋润你的头皮在打理头发之前用迷迭香精油蘸在梳子上,然后再梳理头发。

    Step 3 Moisturize your scalpThicken your hair by putting a couple drops of rosemary essential oil on your hairbrush before brushing .

  7. 柠檬、薄荷、迷迭香精油有振奋精神的效果,用来洗去一日的疲劳最好不过。

    Lemon , peppermint and rosemary essential oils help to release anxious and mental fatigue , wash out tired throughout the day and uplifting our energy .

  8. 接下来,加入6滴柠檬,2滴谷物,1滴薰衣草和1滴迷迭香精油。

    Next , we 're going to use 6 drops of lemon , 2 drops of petit grain , 1 drop of lavender and finally 1 drop rosemary essential oil .

  9. 您还建议,与载体油,如橄榄油或荷荷芭油混合使用迷迭香精油,罗勒精油,和马郁兰精油混合。

    You are also recommended to use a blend of rosemary essential oil , basil essential oil , and marjoram essential oil , mixed with a carrier oil like olive oil or jojoba oil .

  10. 迷迭香引种及精油分析

    Introduction of rosemary and analysis of it 's essential oil

  11. 缓解头痛,可以用一滴迷迭香或熏衣草精油在后颈上按摩。

    Ease headache pain by rubbing a drop of Rosemary or Lavender oil onto the back of your neck .

  12. 杜松、雪松、葡萄柚、薰衣草,胡萝卜子、茴香、迷迭香和柠檬精油会减轻宿醉带给你的不适感觉。

    Essential oils of Juniper , Cedarwood , Grapefruit , Lavender , Carrot , Fennel , Rosemary and Lemon help soften the effects of a hangover .

  13. 三种迷迭香植物学性状和精油成分研究迷迭香是举世公认的具有高效抗氧效能的植物。

    Rosemary is considered as a plant which has effective antioxidant function .

  14. 迷迭香提取物作为天然抗氧化剂,其主要活性成分为迷迭香精油、迷迭香酸和鼠尾草酸。

    As a natural antioxidant , main active ingredient of rosemary extract are : essential oils , rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid .