
chá dào
  • tea ceremony;teaism
茶道 [chá dào]
  • [tea ceremony] 烹茶饮茶的艺术

茶道[chá dào]
  1. 茶道是经过几个世纪发展起来的。

    The tea ceremony was something that had grown up over the centuries .

  2. 前言:日本茶道的“四规”强调人民精神内在的一面。

    The four rules of Japanese tea ceremony emphasize the immanent spirit of people .

  3. 从几家美甲店和意式千层面馆(HouseofLasagna)拐过街角,在东39街一个日本素餐厅的门厅里,一场日式茶道正在进行。

    In the foyer of a Japanese vegetarian restaurant on East 39th Street , around the corner from several nail salons and the House of Lasagna , a Japanese tea ceremony was unfolding .

  4. 武士们把刀(katana)放在门口,通过茶道仪式,他们可以减缓对随之而来的战争与死亡的忧虑。

    Laying their katana swords at the gate , through the tea ceremony ritual they allayed worries of impending war and death .

  5. 和、敬、清、寂的日本茶道

    Tea Tao of Japan : Harmony , Respect , Purity and Quiet

  6. 她给游客表演茶道。

    She does this demonstration for the tourists , a tea ceremony .

  7. 从茶道可以看出日本对外来文化的学习能力和创新精神。

    We can see the learning ability and initiative spirit .

  8. 茶道在中国很盛行吗?

    A : Is the tea ceremony popular in China ?

  9. 茶道的每件事情都是在一个特别的仪式。

    Everything must be done in a special way in the ceremony .

  10. 要不先讲讲唐代的茶道?

    Or could you start with the tea ceremony of the Tang dynasty ?

  11. 从那时起,茶道在日本才算是完全建立起来了。

    Since then Teaism is fully established in Japan .

  12. 或许我过于直率了,违背了茶道的要义。

    Perhaps I betray my own ignorance of the tea cult by being .

  13. 日本人用一种特殊的方式来上茶,被称为“茶道”。

    The Japanese have a special way of serving tea call a tea ceremony .

  14. 令人意外的是,细川护熙对茶道礼仪本身并没有什么兴趣。

    Surprisingly , Hosokawa has little interest in the formalities of the ceremony itself .

  15. 试论茶文化的起源&和原始茶道论者商榷

    Study on the origin of tea culture

  16. 水很快烧好了,我们的简易茶道也随之开始。

    Soon , the hot water was ready , and our makeshift tea ceremony began .

  17. 本文主要探讨了中国茶道与道家思想理念深厚悠远的渊源关系。

    This paper mainly discusses what Taoist idea has had far-reaching influence upon the Chinese Sado .

  18. 朱晓贝坐在我的左侧,把凳子往我这边挪了挪,然后茶道表演开始了。

    Xiaobei sits to my left , pulling her chair close , and the ceremony begins .

  19. 茶道即人道,茶品与人品总是紧密地联系在一起。

    The sado is the humanity and tea is always closely related to the moral behavior .

  20. 我在日本访问时,很快就熟悉了茶道。

    When I visited Japan I was quickly introduced to the etiquette of the tea ceremony .

  21. 在家具细部设计上,他明显借鉴了日本18世纪可拆式茶道家具。

    Its closeness to the detail in the dismountableJapanese tea ceremony furniture of the18 century is obvious .

  22. 本文旨在探寻日本传统茶道的精髓。

    The objective of this thesis is to discover the essence of the traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony .

  23. 过去,茶道是新娘子要学的一门技艺,秋山说。

    In the past it used to be the new bride who would learn , Akiyama says .

  24. 如今,最高品质的抹茶通常在日本茶道中使用。

    Today the highest grades of Matcha usually remain in Japan for use in their tea ceremonies .

  25. 在江户时代(1603-1868),茶道可让武士们得到暂时的休息。

    During the Edo period ( 1603-1868 ), the tea ceremony provided respite for the samurai warrior .

  26. 茶俗、茶艺、茶礼、茶德和茶道有内在联系又各具特质。茶文化在新时期又有了新的走向和发展。

    Then the writer puts forward his opinions about the trend of tea culture in the new era .

  27. 唐代以后茶道思想并未进一步深化,没能发展成为日本式的成熟茶道。

    Since then , tea ceremony did not further deepen and developed into a mature Japanese-style tea ceremony .

  28. 16世纪时,禅宗佛教和尚发明了日本茶道,抹茶便很快风行开来。

    In the16th century Zen Buddhist monks created the Japanese Tea Ceremony and it quickly became very popular .

  29. 虽然今天仍然实行,茶道未必受欢迎,因为它曾经是。

    Though still practiced today , the tea ceremony may not be as popular as it used to be .

  30. 通过茶道的精神内涵得出茶叶包装应具有的文化精神内涵。

    By analyzing the tea spirit , it is concluded that the tea packing must contain the cultural spirits .