首页 / 词典 / good

  • Surname;a kind of fragrant grass
  • 传说中的一种香草。

  • 姓。

  1. 不久,荀息带领兵马,灭了掳国。

    Soon , Xun Xi led his forces and conquered the State of Guo .

  2. 荀息捧着璧玉,牵着骏马,凯旋而归,把这两件国宝奉还给了晋王。

    Carrying the round jade and leading the fme horse , Xun Xi returned in triumph and gave them back to the King of Jin .

  3. 晋国的大臣荀息向国王献计,说:“如果您把那块璧玉和那匹良马送给虞公,向他借路,那么他一定会答应的。”

    Xun Xi , a high official of the State of Jin , offered his scheme to the King . He said : " If you offer that piece of round jade and that fine steed as gifts to the King of Yu to ask his permission , he is sure to give his consent . "

  4. 论荀况与宋玉的造赋成就

    On Xun Kuang and Song Yu 's Achievement in Writing Descriptive Prose

  5. 孟、荀的人格美理论和审美追求

    Meng and Xun 's Theory of Personality Beauty and the Aesthetic Pursuit

  6. 荀息回答说:“不会。

    Xun Xi replied : " That is not likely .

  7. 晋献公采纳了荀息的计策。

    So Duke Xian of the State of Jin accepted Xun Xi 's plan .

  8. 旁边观看的人都很紧张,为荀息迭累鸡蛋捏一把汗。

    All those watching were nervous and held all held their breath in great anticipation .

  9. 马克思主义学者开拓出荀学研究新的路径。

    Third , Marxism scholar had exploited a new path about the studies of XunZi .

  10. 孟、荀人性论的分歧主要在于他们对人性概念内涵的界定不同。

    Their differences mainly lie in that their conceptual connotation of human nature are different .

  11. 街讲上恿开又滑,我们只菏荀重渐渐天骑车。

    The streets wet and slippery , we had to ride our bikes slowly and carefully .

  12. 然后联系庄荀时期的哲学背景及思想主题,揭示庄荀虚概念产生的原因。

    Then contacts with the philosophy background and the subject , promulgates reason which the concept Proposed .

  13. 荀彧的人生悲剧,是他自己的人生定位与曹操政治行为冲突的结果。

    His tragedy was the result of the clash between his personality and Cao Cao 's political behaviors .

  14. 摘要荀学与孔孟儒学、孔孟哲学自有根本之区别。

    There is a basic difference between the Confucianism of Xun Zi and that of Confucius and mencius .

  15. 晋国的大臣荀息向国王献计。

    Xun Xi , a high official of the State of Jin , offered his scheme to the King .

  16. 论汉末名士到魏晋士族的复杂历程&以汉末颍川荀、陈、钟三家为中心

    On the complex process of becoming nobles in the Wei and Jin Dynasties from celebrities in the late Han Dynasty

  17. 荀学之内核&礼法思想是他所处时代的产物。

    The thought of rules and etiquette , the core of Xun Studies , is the product of his times .

  18. 郭店楚简出土以前,先秦儒家思想主要以孔、孟、荀为代表。

    Before the exploit of the Inscribed Bamboo Slip at Guo Dian Confucius , Mencius and Xun represented the pre-Confucianism thought .

  19. 抑制性控制难度较大的心理理论的发展关键期在3荀岁之间不明显;

    The key phase of the development of ToM with the most difficult IC is not obvious during 3 to 6 years old ;

  20. 各位可依自己口味调理,芦荀丝可放入滚水烫一下也可以生吃。

    Prepare the asparagus to your taste ; it can be blanched lightly in salt water or serve raw for a crunchier texture .

  21. 第三部分就是把孔、孟、荀的义利观思想与现代构建和谐社会相结合进行创新和融合。

    The third part is the hole , Meng , Xun ' view of thought and modern harmonious combination of innovation and integration .

  22. 儒家德育具有浓厚的政治色彩,本文介绍了孔、孟、荀的德政思想。

    Since Confucianism is of deep political character , the paper introduces the merciful political thoughts of Confucius , Mencius and Hsun Tzu .

  23. 荀学王霸并用,从儒学内部开了异化原宗的先河,同时也启发了秦初儒门“王圣”运动。

    It also aroused a movement of " respect emperor to be sage " as advocated by Confucian school during the early days of Qin Dynasty .

  24. 同时孟荀人性论之争又包含着其诸多对社会人生的看法与理想。

    Simultaneously struggle of the Meng zi and xun zi theory of human nature is containing its many pair of social life view and the ideal .

  25. 虞国国君见到这两们珍贵的礼物,顿时心花怒放,听到荀息说要借道虞国之事时,当时就满口答应下来。

    When the monarch of Yu saw the precious gifts , he was elated , and readily promised to let the Jin army pass through his state .

  26. 总的来讲,荀学是以孔子的音乐观点为基本思想,批判继承其他各家,建立了自己比较完整和系统的社会音乐理论。

    Generally speaking , Xunzi and his school , which was on the basis of Confucius 's views , founded a relatively complete system of music theory .

  27. 然后,在介绍了荀或所处的时代背景后,结合搜集的相关文献材料,论述了他的家庭背景和他精彩的人生。

    Then , after introduced Xun Yu locates the time background , the union collection related literature material , elaborated his family background and his splendid life .

  28. 由于都以孔子礼治思想为基础,孟荀两人的法律思想存在着许多共性之处。

    Because both legal thoughts of Mencius and Xun Zi are based on the theory of Benevolent Governing of Confucius , there are many similarities in them .

  29. 等问题,來推导出一种对荀学的诠释架构,即一种「道德知識論」的建构。

    Through asking these questions , we work out an interpretative structure of Xun Zi 's doctrine , that is , a construction of Xun 's moral epistemology .

  30. 因此,不同于孟、荀的“性善”与“性恶”论,孔子的人性观是以血缘亲情为内涵的“亲情之爱”。

    Compared with the human nature theory and intension of Confucius view was the difference from Mencius and Xuncius " evil nature " and " virtuous nature " theory .