
Xún zǐ
  • a pre-Qin philosopher
  1. L上的关系(?)荀子礼法关系论

    On theory of the relation between ritual and la

  2. 礼学思想也影响着荀子对理想社会的构想。

    The rite thought also affected Xunzi designed his ideal society .

  3. 《荀子》反义词研究

    The Study of Antonym in the Book of " Xunzi "

  4. 《左传》对《荀子》音乐理论的影响

    Influences of Zuo Zhuan on Xun Zi 's theory of music

  5. 荀子性恶诠释第一,关于性恶论。

    The first is his theory of an Evil Human Nature .

  6. 荀子财政赋税思想及其借鉴

    Xun Zi Finance and Tax Thought and Its Use for Reference

  7. 荀子对思孟“五行”说的批判

    Xunzi 's criticisms on Si meng 's " five elements "

  8. 古汉语同义词的确定及辨析问题&兼论《荀子》单音节形容词同义词的形成原因

    On Confirmation and Comparison of Synonyms in Ancient Chinese Language

  9. 荀子所理想的社会是一个抑制发展活力的社会。

    Xunzi'ideal society repressed the develop vitality lying in people .

  10. 荀子的正名逻辑思想及其启示

    XUN Zi ′ s Logical Thought of Name Rectification and Its Inspiration

  11. 荀子理论中蕴涵着丰富的社会分层思想。

    Xunzi 's theory contains the idea of social stratification .

  12. 荀子的社会理想及其局限性

    Hs ü n Tzu ' Social Ideal and Its Limit

  13. 试析荀子的理想人格理论

    An Analysis on The Theory of Perfect Personality of XUN - zi

  14. 《荀子》单音节动词同义词显示的格式。

    Display forms of synonymic monosyllabic verbs in Xun Zi .

  15. 儒家的代表人物还有孟子和荀子。

    Mencius and Xunzi are the followers of the Confucianism .

  16. 论荀子的以欲望论为基础的经济思想

    Xun Kuang 's Views on Desire and Its Economic Thoughts

  17. 荀子道德理论的历史意义与现代价值

    Xun Zi 's Theory of Moral and Its Contemporary Value

  18. 《荀子》礼、法思想试探

    On the Thought of the Propriety and the Law in Xun Zi

  19. 荀子认为礼是人的本质。

    Xunzi believes that ritual is the essence of man .

  20. 荀子提出“万物各得其和以生”;

    Xun Zi said the growth of all creatures depended on harmony .

  21. 荀子的认识方法,一是通过具有理性思维能力的心灵,以静观的方式来认识对象;

    His method of cognition is by way of rational thought and practice .

  22. 荀子所说的对利的需要从主观上说就是人的欲望。

    Subjectively , the demand of interest is the desire of human being .

  23. 研究荀子的这一思想,将有助于对当前社会不平等现象作出正确的分析。

    To study the idea will be helpful to analysis social unequal phenomenon .

  24. 论孔子德育思想的现代意义孟子与荀子德育思想比较

    The comparison of moral ideology between Meng and Xun

  25. 荀子,我想你肯定没听过。

    Mikhail baryshnikov , who I 'm sure you 've never heard of .

  26. 第一部分从忽视语法环境角度,对《荀子集解》中的训诂失误进行商榷;

    The first part discusses exegesis error from the neglect of grammar environment .

  27. 李觏与荀子礼论的异同

    The similarities and differences on rite theory of Li Gou and Xun Zi

  28. 试析荀子的伦理制度思想

    On Xun Zi 's Thoughts on Ethical System

  29. 声训是儒家正名的重要手段,到荀子这里得到了最充分体现。

    Phonetic exegetics is the important means for the Confucianists to rectify the names .

  30. 乐合同礼别异&荀子《乐论》中礼乐关系之美学内涵

    Aesthetics Connotation in the Relationship of Yue and Li in " Xunzi Yueiun "