
  1. 我们飞越北亚利桑那州的荒山野岭。

    We flew over the deserted mountains of North arizona .

  2. 他们正朝着几乎是正东方向进发,深入到荒山野岭中去。

    They were heading almost due east , out into the wild hills .

  3. 但他们可是通过荒山野岭自己旅行了七个月的父母。

    But these are the same parents who went on their own trip for seven months , through wilderness areas .

  4. 二○○四年,在国内的荒山野岭摄影,太太与一个在田中操作的妇人闲谈。

    In2004 , while taking photos in the wilderness , my wife had a conversation with a woman working in the field .

  5. 于是那野性的大自然的烈马般的反抗被驯服了,昔日荒山野岭变成千里沃野。

    Thus the wild nature that 's likened to a stuborn horse was gamed and the once bare land was turned into stretches of rich soil .

  6. 做一只无拘无束的狐狸在荒山野岭是饥肠辘辘,危机四伏,比做一只饱食终日的金丝雀在笼子中安然无恙得多。

    Liberty is not easy , but far better to be an unfettered fox , hungry and threatened on its hill , than a well-fed canary , safe and secure in its cage .

  7. 谁都无法预测登山的时候会发生什么,所以在前往荒山野岭之前,要确认狗狗所有需要的疫苗均在有效期内。

    You never know what you may encounter on a hike , so before setting out into the wilderness , check your pet 's veterinary records and make sure his vaccinations are up-to-date .

  8. 起义军重写了战争的规则,而且他们即将再次重写。1777年,美国独立战争打响后的第二年,纽约以及许多其他殖民地都被英军占领起义军被赶到了荒山野岭,不过绝地反击的时刻到来了。

    The Rebels are rewriting the rules of war , and they 're about to do it again.1777.The American War of Independence is in its second year . New York and many parts of the colonies are in British hands . The Rebels have been driven into the wilderness . But the fight back has begun .

  9. 幽远、空寂、荒山、野岭&看不到生机盎然,看不到温热的感动,看不到个体生命的灿烂,看不到乡村作为个体灵魂存在的印迹。

    We do not see a picture full of vitality , or a warm touched , or brilliant individual lives , or the trace of existence of villages as an imprint of the individual soul .