
lì zhī
  • litchi;lychee;Litchi chinensis;leechee
荔枝 [lì zhī]
  • [litchi;lychee] 一种常绿乔木( Litchi chinensis ),偶数羽状复叶,花小,无花瓣,呈绿白或淡黄色,果实熟时紫红色,果味甘美,营养丰富,是我国特产

荔枝[lì zhī]
  1. 龙眼和荔枝的蒸腾动态

    Dynamics of Transpiration in Dimocarpus longan and Litchi chinensis

  2. 快点来广州吃荔枝吧。

    Come to GuangZhou and eat Litchi chinensis .

  3. 荔枝在冬天很稀见。

    Lychee nut is rare in winter .

  4. 在职业生涯之初,法兰特研究了“顽拗性种子”,比如鳄梨、咖啡豆和荔枝。

    At the start of her career , Farrant studied recalcitrant seeds , " such as avocados , coffee and lychee .

  5. 荔枝炒牛肉SautéedBeefwithLichee

    Saut é ed Sliced Beef with Ginger and Scallion

  6. 应用扫描电镜技术研究了荔枝蝽(TessaratomapapillosaDrury)触角化感器的类型、数量和分布。

    Antennal sensilla type , number and distribution of the Tessaratoma papillosa Drury were studied by scanning electron microscope .

  7. 还有一点荔枝的味道。

    A touch of lychee is also present .

  8. 荔枝基因组DNA提取与SSR反应条件优化

    Extraction of genomic DNA and optimization of SSR amplified condition in litchi

  9. 福州市荔枝古树遗传多样性的RAPD分析及离体保存研究

    RAPD Analysis of Genetic Diversity and In-Vitro Conservation of Ancient Litchi Trees in Fuzhou City

  10. GC-MS法分析荔枝果肉脂肪酸组成

    GC-MS Analysis of Fatty Acid Composition of Litchi Pulp

  11. ABA和乙烯对荔枝果实成熟和着色的调控

    Roles of Abscisic Acid and Ethylene in the Regulation of Litchi Ripening and Coloration

  12. 以番荔枝果肉为材料,研究了番荔枝多酚氧化酶(PPO)特性;

    The processed sweetsop pulp was used to study its PPO property .

  13. 荔枝果皮提取物化学成分的GC-MS分析

    GC MS Analysis of Components in Litchi Pericarp

  14. 荔枝核对HBsAg和HBeAg的体外抑制作用

    Inhibition of semen litchi on hbsag and hbeag

  15. 在酸性条件下荔枝壳水不溶性膳食纤维对NO2ˉ具有显著的吸附作用,随pH的升高其吸附能力显著减弱;

    Under the condition of pH 2.0 , the water-insoluble dietary fibre had high adsorptive ability for nitrite .

  16. 精甲霜灵与其荔枝果肉添加样品中的杂质峰最小分离度R为1.668,与相邻组分能完全分离。

    With the new method , the minimal resolution ( R ) of impurity peak was 1.668 , and the adjacent components could be separated completely .

  17. MTT实验结果显示不同结构类型番荔枝内酯类化合物均有很强的肿瘤细胞抑制活性。

    MTT assay results showed that different structure types of ACGs have a strong inhibitory activity against tumor cell growth .

  18. 改良CTAB法从采后荔枝(LitchiChinensisSonn.)果皮中提取总RNA

    Extracting Total RNA from Pericarp of Postharvest Litchi ( Litchi chinensis Sonn . ) Fruit by Improved CTAB Method

  19. 荔枝多酚的分离制备及清除DPPH活性

    Preparation of Lichee Polyphenols and Its DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity Lychee Chicken

  20. 无核荔枝MADSbox基因LMADS1的表达与转化拟南芥分析

    Analysis of Expression Mode and Transgenic Lines of Arabidopsis thaliana of a MADS-box Gene in Seedless Litchi

  21. 用SSR标记对中国荔枝(LitchiChinensisSonn)野生种质资源的遗传多样性分析

    Genetic Diversity Analysis on Wide Litchi ( Litchi Chinensis Sonn ) Germplasm in China by SSR Marker

  22. 果实商品成熟期果皮pH值的增加不利于花色苷红色的表现,pH值对花色苷合成的影响比较复杂,还有待进一步的研究妃子笑荔枝果皮花色苷合成的相关因素分析

    The effect of pH on anthocyanin synthesis was complex and further study is required . A Study on Factors Related to Synthesis of Anthocyanin in Pericarp of ' Feizixiao ' Litchi

  23. 通过研究,得到如下结论:1、pH值过高或过低都不利于荔枝的PPO的提取。

    The conclusions were as followed : 1 . If pH is too high or too low , it both goes against the extraction of PPO .

  24. 采用短期室内淋溶方法研究了模拟酸雨对供试荔枝果园土壤全N、碱解N、硝态N、铵态N含量变化的影响。

    Through short-term indoor leaching , the effects of simulated acid rain on total soil nitrogen , alkaline hydrolysable nitrogen , nitrate nitrogen , ammonium nitrogen contents in litchi orchard under consideration were studied .

  25. 本文对荔枝壳中多酚氧化酶(PPO)的活性及不同抑制剂的抑制效果进行研究。

    The activity of PPO of lichi hull and the control effect for different inhibitor were studied in this paper .

  26. 研究了果胶酶、SO2、明胶、PVPP、皂土等常用果酒澄清剂对荔枝酒色、香、味、风味的影响。

    The effects of some commonly-used fruit wine clarifiers including pectase , SO2 , glutin and PVPP etc.

  27. 对高压脉冲电场&场临界CO2萃取荔枝种仁精油及其影响因素进行了研究。

    Seed kernel essential oil from litchi chinesis was extracted with pulse high pressure electric field - supper critical CO2 . The extraction was mainly influenced by the water content in litchi seeds .

  28. 对荔枝野生、半野生和栽培种质分子遗传多样性研究中遇到的DNA提取和SSR扩增条件优化问题进行了试验。

    The extraction method of genomic DNA and SSR amplification conditions were improved on wild , semi-wild and cultivars of litchi ( Litchi chinensis ) used for molecular genetic diversity analysis .

  29. ABA与IAA和ABA与CTK的质量比增大,将有利于荔枝体细胞球形胚的形成。

    The increase of the ratios of ABA / IAA and ABA / CTKs was beneficial to the development of somatic embryogenesis .

  30. 应用改进的IEFSDSPAGE技术比较分析了荔枝胚胎分化发育过程中蛋白质组分的变化。

    Modified IEF SDS PAGE technique was applied in comparing and analyzing the changes of the protein components during the differentiation and development of litchi embryos .