
  1. Z广播电视集团在不断扩大受众市场,产业经营不断升级的同时,面临着绩效管理尤其是绩效指标需要优化设计的问题,以适应其全国竞争战略的需要。

    Group Z in the expanding radio and television audience market , industry management escalating , while facing a performance management performance indicators in particular need to optimize the design issues to meet the needs of its national competitive strategy .

  2. 中国广播电视集团化发展战略探析

    The Probe and Analysis of China 's Broadcast and TV Incorporating Consortium

  3. 我国广播电视集团网站建设研究

    Study on the Website Building of Broadcasting & TV Groups in Our Country

  4. 第六章,广播电视集团的绩效评估。

    The 6th chapter says about the appraisal to the performance of broadcast and TV groups .

  5. 本章首先阐述广播电视集团化的历程、现状以及未来的发展趋势。

    Firstly we expound on the history , the present and the future of the BT groups .

  6. 公司属大型高科技股份制企业,由重庆市广播电视集团(总台)和重庆市34个区县(自治县、市)广播电视局共同投资组建。

    It is large high-tech company holding by the Chongqing Broadcasting Group ( station ) and Television Bureaus of 34 counties .

  7. 建立强大的出版集团、报业集团、广播电视集团、发行集团是紧迫的任务。

    Therefore , it is imperative for China to establish strong publishing , newspaper , broadcasting , television , and distribution groups .

  8. 第二章目前我国广播电视集团的运行机制及其问题根源,主要分析目前我国广播电视集团的运行机制及其存在问题与根源。

    The second chapter mainly discussed and analyzed the circulate mechanism and the problem 's origin of the group of Broadcast & Television .

  9. 我国广播电视集团化改革10年来,极大地解放了广播电视生产力,改变了广播电视发展格局。

    This reform in the past 10 years has greatly liberated the productivity of broadcasting companies and changed the pattern of development of them .

  10. 其次,从实践角度考察了国外广播电视集团化的作法和经验,并历史地审视了我国广播电视集团化的探索与得失。

    Secondly , this paper investigates , on the basis of some examples , the means and experiences in the Incorporating Consortium of broadcast and TV Incorporating Consortium of foreign counties .

  11. 南京广播电视集团是国家广播电视总局批准成立的第一家全国副省级城市广播电视集团和全国文化体制改革中唯一一家省会城市集团试点单位。

    Nanjing Broadcasting Group is the first vice - province class city broadcasting group approved by the state administration of radio film and television , and the only provincial capital city group in the reform of the national cultural system .

  12. 面向需求面向服务(上)&深圳广播电影电视集团网络化建设实践

    Be Oriented to Needs and Service & Practice of Networking in Shenzhen Radio , Film and TV Group

  13. “非常财经观察”是深圳广播电影电视集团财经生活频道在金融危机大背景下推出的一档财经访谈节目。

    " Special Finance Observation " is an interview program produced by Shenzhen Media Group under the macro background of financial crisis .

  14. 网络技术的进步助推了电视业跨入媒介融合时代,合作和分工成为电视业发展的新模式,并且极大地推动了广播电视媒体集团的改革进程。

    Network technology has propelled the TV industry into the era of media convergence , cooperation and task-sharing has became the new mode of TV industry , and greatly promoted the reform process of broadcasting groups .