
  • 网络broadcast service;BSS;PTM-M
  1. 地方广电开展紧急广播业务的研究与实践

    Study and Practice on Local Radio-TV 's Implementation of Emergency Broadcast Service

  2. 介绍在数字移动通信中小区广播业务的技术实现原理,业务种类及发展前景。

    Introduce the technology of cell broadcast service in the GSM digital mobile communication system as well as its service application and future development prospect .

  3. 论DTV信道中数据广播业务的传送

    The Date Broadcasting Operation Transmission in DTV Channel

  4. GB/T14434-199312GHz频段卫星广播业务(BSS)及其馈线链路的规划参数

    Planning parameters for broadcasting-satellite service ( BSS ) in the band 12 GHz and BSS feeder links

  5. 条件接收和数据广播业务在DVB-C机顶盒上的设计与实现

    Conditional Access and Data Broadcast Services in STB of DVB-C

  6. IPTV业务是基于IP宽带网络的电视广播业务,作为一种新兴的互联网业务,为运营商提供了新的商业价值。

    As a new Internet service , IPTV based on the IP broadband network television broadcasting applications , is providing the brand-new potential value for network-operators .

  7. 目前CMMB的主要业务为视频广播业务,因为受终端硬件的约束,目前只能在配有CMMB模块的设备上观看CMMB视频节目。

    Its main business is video broadcasting business . Because of the limiting of terminal hardware configuration , only the device with CMMB module can receive CMMB video programs .

  8. 结合当前的数据广播业务,提出了一种基于DVB标准的优秀通用数据压缩传输协议,解决了实际应用中数据广播的瓶颈问题。

    This paper puts forward a way to resolve the resource problem in current Data Broadcasting , presents an advanced general Data Compressing Transport Protocol based on DVB standards , and explains the application of this protocol .

  9. 如何在宽带无线分组移动网络中提供更多丰富可靠的多媒体业务,如:数据业务、流媒体业务、视音频广播业务、VoIP业务等等,成为无线移动通信领域内的研究热点。

    How to provide more abundant and reliable multimedia services such as : data services , streaming media , video and audio broadcasting , VoIP , and so on , in the broadband wireless mobile networks is become research focus in wireless mobile communications areas .

  10. 由于FPRP和I-TPRP都是针对广播业务设计的,用它们传递点对点业务时造成资源的浪费,所以本文设计了一种满足军事通信中多种类型业务传递的MAC协议&F-RRP。

    Because the FPRP and I-TPRP are designed for the broadcast traffic and the resource is wasted to transmit the point-to-point traffic using them , a MAC protocol E-RRP is designed for various kinds of traffic in military communication .

  11. 关于有线电视开展数据广播业务的思考

    Consideration about Digital Video Broadcast ( DVB ) Provided by Cable TV

  12. 在介绍卫星多媒体数据广播业务的实现方法时,具体说明了卫星多媒体广播的价值链、平台的功能要求、内容的创建以及技术平台的实现等。

    Meanwhile the thesis also described the value chain and platform and content building .

  13. 宽带无线多媒体系统的多播广播业务选择及调度算法研究

    The Research on Multicast / Broadcast Services Selection and Scheduling Algorithm for Broadband Wireless Multimedia System

  14. 如果真是这样,那么这个庞大的机构使用纳税人的资金开展广播业务的目的,就令人生疑了。

    If so , the purpose of channelling taxpayer funding for broadcasting through a monolithic organisation is questionable .

  15. GB/T15937-1995VHF/UHF频段广播业务与移动和固定业务频率共用技术规定

    The technical regulations for frequency sharing between the broadcasting service and the mobile and fixed services in the VHF / UHF bands

  16. 随着卫星电视广播业务的发展,卫星电视安全接收问题日渐突出。

    With the quick development of satellite television broadcast business , the safety receive for satellite television is more and more seriously .

  17. 本文提出了一种能够传输广播业务的新的波分复用无源光网络方案。

    We present a novel method for providing broadcast signal transmission in a wavelength division multiplexing passive optical network ( WDM-PON ) .

  18. 首先简要分析了卫星多媒体数据广播业务的市场及其应用环境,接下来介绍了其技术和商业特点、实现的方法,最后阐述了卫星多媒体数据广播的市场策略及其相关的资金投入与成本收益。

    This thesis first analyzed market and application of satellite multimedia data broadcasting service , then introduced technical features and implementation model , and market strategy and investment return at last .

  19. 然后,依据带宽和接收率进行建模,将单频网多播广播业务的选择看作一个背包问题,用贪婪算法给予解决。

    According to the bandwidth and the total reception rate , we define the problem of SFN multicast / broadcast services selection as a KNAPSACK problem and present a greedy algorithm to solve it .

  20. 针对目前终端资源瓶颈与数据广播业务拓展之间的矛盾,提出一种全新的数据广播信息业务实现方式&信息业务整合。

    It is presented in this article that a new method of programming information service in the data broadcasting system , in order to smooth the conflict between STB resource limiting and more information services .

  21. 以太网以其低成本、高速率和功能强大的优势成为未来宽带接入的主流,同时组播技术为在计算机网络中实施传统广播业务提供了技术基础,并且促进通信协作和共享服务的发展。

    The future of the " last-mile " belongs to Ethernet because of its low-cost , high-speed and powerful functions . The multicast technology makes it very easy to provide the broadcast TV service in computer network , and improves the development of collaboration applications and shared services .

  22. 在各类融合业务中,移动互联网业务和广电网的移动多媒体广播电视业务、IPTV业务以及互动电视业务是典型的融合类业务。

    Both the mobile internet services and the radio & TV service such as CMMB service , interactive TV service and IPTV service are the typical triple play services .

  23. 手机电视是TD-SCDMA系统的关键业务,3GPPR6版本中引入多媒体广播组播业务(MBMS)。

    Mobile TV is a key service in TD-SCDMA system , and the multimedia broadcast multicast service ( MBMS ) is introduced to3GPP R6 .

  24. 现有的有线电视光纤/同轴电缆混合网HFC专为传送广播电视业务而开发的,要实现诸如视频点播等交互式业务的传输,就要对其进行双向化改造。

    The existing Hybrid Fiber Cable network is developed to carry broadcast video transmission , in order to achieve interactive services , such as Video-on-Demand , it is inevitable to carry on the bidirectional transformation .

  25. 随着多媒体广播组播业务的需求日益明显,TD-SCDMAMBMS提供了一种在无线蜂窝网络中低成本、高效承载此类业务的技术方案。

    With the urgent requirements of Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service , TD-SCDMA MBMS is a new way of low-cost and highly effective Service of Multimedia in the radio cell network .

  26. 移动多媒体广播视频业务复用格式的研究

    Study on Multiplexing of Video Data in CMMB

  27. 随着当今互联网的技术突飞猛进,传统的广播电视业务收到极大的冲击。

    With the development of current Internet technology , traditional broadcast TV business is challenged .

  28. 张海涛副局长在全国有线数字广播影视业务试点工作动员会上的讲话

    Speech of Deputy Director Zhang Haitao at National Mobilization Meeting on Pilot Programs for Digital Cable Radio , Film and TV Services

  29. 乡医生和村医生基本药物知晓主要来源是电视/广播、业务培训、报纸/专业杂志。

    The main source for rural doctor to know essential drugs is television / broadcast , vocational training , newspaper / specialized magazine .

  30. 光网络具有超高带宽、超低损耗等优点,为电信业务、广播电视业务和互联网业务的通信提供了良好的平台。

    Optical fiber network provides a good platform for services transmission of television , telecommunication and internet , with the advantages of ultrahigh bandwidth and ultralow loss .