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  • video telephone
  1. 基于数字电视机顶盒的IP视频电话设计

    Design of IP Video Telephone Based on STB of Digital TV

  2. 最后,还介绍了一些DSP的应用实例,如语音编码器,视频电话和视频会议系统,用于雷达和声纳的DSP并行处理系统

    Finally , some practical applications such as speech coding hardware , video telephone and video conference systems , DSP parallel processing systems for sonar and radar are also described

  3. 基于Policy的IP视频电话会话和媒体授权研究

    Research on Policy-based Session and Media Authorization in IP Video Phone Systems

  4. 基于IP机顶盒上的视频电话软件系统的开发

    Development of Videophone Software System Based on IP Set Top Box

  5. IP视频电话设计营造逼真环境

    IP Video Phones Show You a Real World

  6. 基于WINDOWSCE视频电话的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Video Phone Base on Windows CE

  7. IP视频电话是指在IP网络上实现语音和视频通话的一项综合业务。

    IP Video Phone is an integrated service that can implement voice and video calls on IP network .

  8. 本文针对以上问题建立了一个在IP视频电话系统中对会话和媒体进行认证和授权的模型。

    In this thesis , we describe a Policy-based Session and Media Authorization Model in IP Video Phone Systems .

  9. 基于SIP的MPEG-4视频电话中媒体传输模块的设计

    Design of Media Transportation Module in SIP-based MPEG-4 Video Phone

  10. IP视频电话是一项飞速发展的业务,它通过IP网络来传送语音和视频信号。

    The IP Video Phone service is a greatly developing service , it transfer the audio and video signals through the IP networks .

  11. IPv6网络下的视频电话

    Video Phone Based on IPv6

  12. 本文是在Android手机平台上开发视频电话软件。

    This article is based on the Android mobile phone platform for the development of video telephony software .

  13. 发生了什么视频电话,作为“三的”第一部3G模式的关键能力早在2004年晋升。

    And what happened to video telephony , promoted as a key capability of " 3 's " first3G models back in2004 .

  14. GSTN视频电话系统中的Modem控制接口及其软件实现

    How to Design the Modem Control Software of the GSTN Videophone

  15. 基于JMF的局域网视频电话(会议)系统开发

    LAN Teleview ( Meeting ) System Besed on JMF Phone Calls Conference

  16. 323与SIP两种视频电话体制,本文采用SIP作为信令协议,并对SIP进行了比较细致的研究与讨论。

    After comparisons between H.323 and SIP , SIP is adopted as our videophone 's signaling protocol . Consequently a comprehensive study of SIP is given .

  17. 论文研究了基于NGN网络多媒体通信应用涉及的各种技术,实现了一个基于SIP协议的视频电话系统。

    The technologies of multimedia communication over NGN are discussed in the paper , a video phone system based SIP is realized as well .

  18. 这种宏基产品内置网络摄像头,把它当作如Skype一样的视频电话服务是很理想的。

    The Acer has a built-in webcam , which makes it ideal for video-calling services such as Skype .

  19. 杜涓找到了一位老熟人,他也有一部td-scdma手机结果是花了太多时间与他聊视频电话。

    MS Du did find an old acquaintance who also has a TD-SCDMA phone but ended up spending too much time on the videophone with him .

  20. 随着计算机和无线通信技术的迅猛发展,在移动终端上进行多媒体通信也受到了人们的日益关注,而IP视频电话就是多媒体通信技术的一种典型应用。

    Along with the rapid development of computer technology and wireless communication , carrying out multimedia communication on mobile terminal has been growing concerned , and IP Video Phone is one of the typical applications of multimedia communication technology .

  21. H.245协议及其在视频电话中的实现

    Characteristic and Implementation of H.245 Protocol in Videotelephone

  22. 323或H.324的网络视频电话[1][2]、视频会议以及基于无线网的视频通信得到了迅猛的发展。

    324 , videoconference and video communication based on wireless network , have developed rapidly .

  23. IPTV机顶盒具备网页浏览、流媒体播放、互动网络游戏、音视频电话等功能。

    IPTV STB should have functions including Web page browsing , streaming media playing , interactive online game playing , making audio or video calls and so on .

  24. Skype是一家互联网视频电话公司,当时在伦敦分部和爱沙尼亚的塔林(Tallinn)分部差不多有20名员工。

    The internet video calls company then employed about 20 people across offices in London and Tallinn , Estonia .

  25. 概况:先进拦截器是一个集所有功能于一身的解决方案,帮助您筛选掉不想要的语音呼叫,视频电话,短信,彩信和WAP推送邮件。

    Overview : Advanced Blocker is an all-in-one solution to help you filter unwanted voice calls , video calls , text messages , MMS and WAP Push messages .

  26. IP视频电话是多种技术的综合运用。包括GUI设计、语音采集播放、语音压缩编码、视频采集,对视频进行压缩编码以及网络传输等。

    IP videophone is the comprehensive application of multiple technologies , including such technologies as design of Graphic User Interface , audio capture , audio coding , video capture , video coding and their transmission on network .

  27. 通过对神州电信移动视频电话业务的商业模式设计,最终得出结论:神州电信的CDMA(码分多址)数据网络是其有别于中国移动的优势所在。

    Base on the business model design for mobile video service of Shenzhou Telecom , author drew the following conclusion : CDMA data network is the differentiate advantage with China Mobile , the market dominator in the mobile market .

  28. 在苹果全球开发者大会的舞台上,乔伊斯坐下来演示FaceTime视频电话特性。

    On stage at WWDC , Steve Jobs sits down to give a demo of the new FaceTime video-calling feature .

  29. 经过半个世纪的发展,如今,购买于昨日面世的iphone4的消费者,假定可以找到无线网络连接,将能够从自己选择的主题公园拨出视频电话。

    Half a century of progress later and buyers of the iPhone 4 , unveiled yesterday , will be able to make video calls from the theme park of their choice , assuming they can find a wireless Internet connection .

  30. 为展示VR中的社交互动体验可能是什么样的,扎克伯格为自己的虚拟化身(avatar)、实景中他的狗、以及他妻子打来的视频电话窗口拍了一张自拍照。

    Mr Zuckerberg took a selfie of his avatar with a 360-degree photo of his dog , alongside a video call from his wife , to illustrate what social experiences might look like in VR .