
  • 网络search engine;Web Search Engine;Network Search Engine
  1. 研究工作为实现高效的、可行的P2P网络搜索引擎系统做出了有益的尝试。

    The research has made beneficial attempt for achieving high effective and feasible P2P network search engine system .

  2. Eg.isasearchengine.)例句这辆汽车的发动机是新的。延伸网络搜索引擎是专为搜索互联网上的信息的软件系统。

    A web search engine is a software system that is designed to search for information on the internet .

  3. 伴随Internet爆炸性的发展,以及网上信息资源的快速增长,网络搜索引擎便应运而生了。

    With the development of Internet and the rapid increase of Internet information resource , internet search engine came into being .

  4. 在Internet高速发展的信息时代,网络搜索引擎是人们快速获得信息的重要工具之一。

    In the information times of internet rapid development , Search Engine is one of very important tool for people to obtain information .

  5. 基于ASP技术的网络搜索引擎的开发

    The Exploration of Web Search Engine Based on ASP

  6. 新一代网络搜索引擎系统CHINAVIVI的实现

    Implementation of CHINA_VIVI & A New Generation Internet Search Engine

  7. 随着Internet技术的不断发展特别是网络搜索引擎技术的发展,用户想要得到自己需求的网络链接成为越来越容易的事情。

    With the continuous development of Internet technology , especially web search engine technology , it is easier that the user getting their network connections .

  8. Google是优秀网络搜索引擎之一,本文从检索技术、检索功能和检索方式等方面予以评析。

    The article evaluates and analyzes the advanced search engine of Google from its techniques , functions and searching ways .

  9. 头号网络搜索引擎即将获得XM公司的七百万用户。

    No.1 Internet search engine will have access to XM's7 million subscribers .

  10. Facebook也跻身该榜,排名第35,品牌价值为191亿美元。中国网络搜索引擎百度从第46位上升至第29位。

    Facebook entered the top 100 at number 35 with a brand valued at $ 19.1 billion , while Chinese search engine Baidu rose to number 29 from 46 .

  11. 谷歌刚刚宣布,它即将推出一个新的测试版功能,用户在使用谷歌网络搜索引擎时,会对搜索数据启用安全套接层(SSL)加密技术。

    Google just announced that it is rolling out a new beta feature that will allow users to enable Secure Socket Layer ( SSL ) encryption when using Google 's Web search .

  12. FridgeGoogling(冰箱谷歌)的意思是通过类似谷歌这样的网络搜索引擎搜索一个能够将冰箱中现有食材都用上的食谱。

    Fridge Googling means running an Internet search based on some or all of the contents of one 's fridge , looking for a recipe based on those contents .

  13. 该文提出了几种对网络搜索引擎进行性能优化的策略,并对相关的实现技术进行了探讨。

    In this paper , such strategies and technologies are discussed .

  14. 谈谈网络搜索引擎的发展及使用技巧

    Discussion on the Development and Use Skill of Network Search Engine

  15. 基于大规模日志分析的网络搜索引擎用户行为研究

    Research in Search Engine User Behavior Based on Log Analysis

  16. 网络搜索引擎与专家检索系统框架和模型研究

    Research on Framework and Model of Web Search and Expert Search Engine

  17. 对网络搜索引擎的比较研究

    The Study on the Comparing of the Network Search Engine

  18. 基于网络搜索引擎的网络话题分析框架

    Framework of Web Topics Analysis Based on Web Search Engines

  19. 一种新型的网络搜索引擎模式&专家咨询搜索引擎

    A New Pattern of Web Search Engine & Expert Consult Search Engine

  20. 网络搜索引擎与智能代理技术

    On the Network Search Engine and Intelligent Acting Technology

  21. 网络搜索引擎原理、特性分析及未来发展趋势

    The Principles , Characteristics Analysis and Future Developments of Search Engines On Internet

  22. 网络搜索引擎的用户查询分析

    Analysis of User Queries on the Web Search Engine

  23. 网络搜索引擎与联机检索系统的比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis between Internet Search Engines and On - Line Retrieval Systems

  24. 网络搜索引擎的性能优化策略和相关技术

    Optimization Strategies and Technologies of Internet Search Engine

  25. 当今网络搜索引擎的局限与发展

    Limitation and Developments of Search Engines on Internet

  26. 网络搜索引擎在高校图书馆工作中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Web Search Engines in the Work of Academic Library

  27. 网络搜索引擎的现状及其技术发展研究

    The Present Situation of the Network Search Engine and the Research on Its Technical Development

  28. 网络搜索引擎在下一代存储交换机中大有作为

    NSE Opportunities in Next Generation Storage Switches

  29. 表述了网络搜索引擎的工作机制、功能及语法规则;

    This article introduces the working mechanism , functions and grammar rules of a network search engine .

  30. 谷歌,作为网络搜索引擎公司中的先锋,对于广告的投资有相当的竞争力。

    Google , the leading Internet search company , is the strongest competitor for those advertising dollars .