
  • 网络advertising services;ad service;AdSense;AdWords
  1. Facebook的即时通讯和数字广告服务在全球范围扩张的同时,它遭遇的监管也在不断加强。

    The scrutiny is mounting as the company 's messaging and digital advertising services spread globally .

  2. C公司作为湖南本土专业设计公司专注于平面设计类广告服务,在湖南平面设计类广告发展中,始终发挥着积极作用。

    C company as a native of Hunan , professional design company specializing in graphic design advertising services , in Hunan graphic design advertising development , has been playing a positive role .

  3. (目前,汀布莱克与网络广告服务商SpecificMedia共同拥有MySpace。)

    ( Timberlake is now part owner , along with specific media . )

  4. 刚刚讲的是我们在这交易网中,所提供的不同广告服务办法,我真正想向你们解释的,是Adlearn,advertising。

    And this is just explaining the different advertising solutions that we offer in this network .

  5. 不管垄断不垄断,Facebook能否提供更好的网络广告服务?

    Monopoly or not , can Facebook deliver a better internet ad ?

  6. 一种高通话完成率广告服务VoIP设备

    Advertisement Service VoIP Device with High Call Completion Rate

  7. 本文在广告服务定价策略进行分析的基础上,以求实现拓展C公司的市场、留住存量客户、吸引新拓展客户和提高市场占有额的目标。

    The advertising service pricing strategy based on C company , expand market , retain stock of customers , attract new customers and increase the market share expansion .

  8. 新款三星手机和平板将有三个月的Play音乐免费试用期,并获得YouTubeRed的免广告服务。

    New Samsung phones and tablets will come with a free three-month trial of Play Music , up from the usual 30-day trial , and access to YouTube Red for commercial-free videos .

  9. 然而,如果页面上没有实际的文本,Google和Yahoo等搜索引擎,以及GoogleAds等广告服务,将在识别站点和对站点进行分类时受到阻碍。

    However , without actual text on a page , search engines like Google and Yahoo , as well as ad services like Google Ads , are hampered in identifying and classifying a site .

  10. 扎克伯格本周没有详细阐释向私人信息服务的转变将如何影响Facebook的业务,目前,它的业务依赖于按照用户公开分享的帖子,为他们提供定向广告服务。

    Mr. Zuckerberg didn 't elaborate much this week on how the change toward private messaging would affect Facebook 's business , which relies on people publicly sharing posts to be able to serve them targeted advertisements .

  11. Facebook在2007年推出新广告服务Beacon后,引发了对抗情绪,因为这项服务会把用户的近期购物情况透露给其亲友组。

    Facebook faced a revolt in 2007 after it launched a new advertising service , known as Beacon , that revealed information about users ' recent purchases to their network of friends and connections .

  12. 那次不幸的IPO之后,人们开始郑重其事地大声发问:移动平台几乎没办法提供广告服务,这家公司到底怎样赚钱?

    And it was only after that ill-starred IPO that people began asking in earnest and at full volume how the company could possibly make money on mobile platforms , where it is nearly impossible to serve ads.

  13. 比如,访客在沃尔玛网站(Walmart.com)搜索清洁产品时,首先映入眼帘的或许就是利洁时旗下的产品Lysol,网站会提示这是获得赞助的搜索结果——跟谷歌(Google)付费搜索广告服务非常类似。

    So , a search on Walmart.com for cleaning products might list Lysol as the top result , with a note that the result is sponsored , similar to paid search ads on Google .

  14. 威瑞信可以通过蜂窝网络和各种宽带服务,在使用AOL广告服务的应用中了解用户的细节信息。

    Through its cellular network and its various broadband offerings , Verizon can help AOL figure out lots of details about a user who lands in an app whose ads are powered by AOL 's ad services .

  15. 但天空广播公司的竞争对手也有推出定向广告服务的计划。

    But rivals have their own plans for launching targeted advertising .

  16. 义务监督第三方支付广告服务费!

    Obligation to monitor third-party to pay advertising service charges !

  17. 广告服务,如何明码标价?

    Ad 's Service , how is it Priced Clearly ?

  18. 广告服务明码标价何以成为问题

    How does Ad Services ' clearly Pricing Become a Topic

  19. 只是一纸关于价格公示的规定&就《广告服务明码标价规定》专访广告监管司综合处副处长吕志诚

    Just a Piece of Paper about Rules of Clear Prices

  20. 广告服务:无效的服务器会话凭据。请稍后重试。

    Ad Service : Invalid server session credentials . Please try again later .

  21. 已经有几个频道推出广告服务,要价可不便宜。

    Already several of the channels feature ads , which aren 't cheap .

  22. 广告服务明码标价后广告业可能之动静

    Possible Responses after Ad Services ' Clearly Pricing

  23. 广告服务:不支持的邮政编码或地理位置。

    Ad Service : Unsupported zip code , postal code , or geographic location .

  24. AppMakr则提供免费的带广告服务。

    AppMakr offers a free , ad-supported service .

  25. 广告服务,应实行明码标价

    Advertising Services must be Priced Clearly

  26. 个性化的广告服务模型

    A Model of Customized Advertisement

  27. 每月“双语媒体动画”专用权的广告服务收费,一个50美元!

    Monthly " Bilingual Media Animation " the exclusive right to advertising service charges , a50 U.S.dollars !

  28. 该主管表示,最初该运营商将为客户推出一种免广告服务。客户可以自主选择接受这种服务。

    The executive said that the carrier will initially launch an advertising-free service for customers on an opt-in basis .

  29. 与传统的在线广告服务所收取的固定费用,我们的市场营销的产品和服务的性能。

    Unlike traditional online advertising services which charge by flat fee , our marketing products and services are performance based .

  30. 中国在96年展开了一场公共广告服务的运动,从那时候起,大量的公益广告在全国涌现。

    China began a nationwide public service advertising campaign in1996 , and since then numerous PSAs have appeared around the country .