
  • 网络East Japan
  1. 但言辞上的否认并不能让由东日本旅客铁路(EastJapanRailway)、住友(Sumitomo)、日立(Hitachi)及三菱重工(MitsubishiHeavyIndustries)组成的日本联合体感到安心。

    But the denial will be of little comfort to the Japanese consortium comprising East Japan Railway , Sumitomo , Hitachi and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries .

  2. JR东日本公司车辆轻量化和降低维修费用的措施

    Measurements on Vehicle Lightweighting and Decreasing Maintenance Expense of JR East Japan

  3. 你需要知道这两家大公司:一个是日本最大的铁路公司——东日本旅客铁道株式会社(JREast);另一个是东京最大的地铁公司——东京地下铁株式会社(TokyoMetro)。

    The two big ones you 'll need to know are JR East , the largest railway system in Japan , and the Tokyo Metro , the city 's busiest subway system .

  4. 系统地描述和分析总结了JR东日本的新干线信号通信设备的维修管理体制。

    This paper systematically describes and analyzes the structure of maintenance management system of communication and signaling system of JR Eastern Japan Express Rail Transit .

  5. 学习和借鉴了JR东日本旅客铁道株式会社、北京铁路局发展多元化经营的成功经验,从中得到了有益的启示;

    Study and use JR east railway Corporation , Beijing Railway Bureau development successful experience that pluralism deal in , passenger of Japanese , for reference , have got beneficial enlightenment from it ;

  6. “东日本地震是一个范围超广的复合灾害,”日本关西大学安全科学系主任YoshiakiKawata在会议上说。

    " The East Japan earthquake was a super-extensive compound disaster ," Yoshiaki Kawata , dean of the faculty of safety science at Kansai University , Japan , told the conference .

  7. 东日本铁路公司开发的市郊列车

    The Suburban Trains Developed by JR East

  8. 各出展公司以及游戏开发者门分分向东日本大地震捐出了自己的爱心。

    The exhibit companies and game developers gate sub-divided east Japan earthquake donated his love .

  9. 东日本铁路公司车辆保养检修的现状与课题微波路面养护车功率分析与节能方法研究

    Status quo of railcar maintenance in East JR Power Analysis and Energy-saving Method for Microwave Pavement Maintenance Vehicle

  10. 福岛&这个东日本的小地方,最近已经成了世界上最炙手可热的地方了。

    Fukushima a small city in the northeast of Japan is the hottest place in the world now .

  11. 并且,它也会像东日本大地震那样引发海啸。

    It will cause a tsunami to hit Japan in a very similar fashion to the Tohoku earthquake .

  12. 例如,东日本楼公司的股价,在上个月非自然抬升。

    For example the stock price of the company Higashi Nihon House , has been rising unnaturally for the past month .

  13. 笔者认为东日本大地震是2011年最震撼的灾难事件,同时也成为全球关注的焦点。

    The eastern Japan earthquake is known as the greatest disaster in2011 ; meanwhile , it became the focus for the world .

  14. 东日本铁路公司已经把环境保护列为其集团远景规划之一,并正在积极地为保护环境而努力。

    East Japan Railway Company ( JR East ) has selected environmental protection as one of its Group Visions and is actively working to preserve the environment .

  15. 此次的销售额全部通过日本大使馆作为日本红十字公司,东日本大震灾义捐钱被捐献。

    All proceeds from the sushi sales and donations were delivered to the Japan Red Cross for the East Japan earthquake through the Embassy of Japan in China .

  16. 官方资料称,东日本地震强度高达9级,虽仅持续6分钟,却引发了133英尺(约合40米)高的海啸,深入内陆达6英里(约合9.6公里),共造成1.5万多人丧生。

    According to official records , over 15000 people died during the magnitude-9 earthquake that lasted for six minutes and triggered a 133-ft high tsunami that swept six miles inland .

  17. 经东日本铁路高速运行试验,证实这种测量方法和测量装置性能良好,具有一定的实用价值。

    Through a high speed operation test on JR East railway lines , this measuring method and device have been approved to be of high performance and economic value for use .

  18. 核灾难所造成的损失还没有得到计算,此次核危机不仅扰乱了农业和捕鱼业,削减了整个东日本的电力供给,还在其它方面重创了日本经济。

    The toll from the nuclear disaster which has disrupted farming and fishing , curtailed power supplies across eastern Japan , and inflicted other wounds on the economy is yet to be tallied .

  19. 2011年3月,东日本海域发生地震,席卷而来的大海啸重创全国。灾难过后,曾传出的士司机在灾区载到“鬼乘客”的报道,听来颇为骇人。

    In a chilling turn of events , some taxi drivers in Japan are claiming to have picked up ' ghost passengers ' in the aftermath of the tsunami that devastated the nation in March 2011 .

  20. 东日本铁路公司研发中心一直致力于开发一种新能源车,其目标是通过革新驱动系统,减少铁路动车运行时对环境的影响。

    The Research & Development Center of the JR East Group has been developing an NE Train ( New Energy Train ) with the goal of reducing the environmental impact of railcar operation by renovating the propulsion system .

  21. 东日本铁路和德国铁路公司在其合作项目的范围内,委托庞巴迪公司运输部开发速度至350km/h的高速转向架并制造样车。

    Within the scope of the project co-operation of Japan Rail East and Deutsche Bahn AG Bombardier Transportation was given the order to develop high speed bogies for a speed up to 350 km / h and to produce prototype vehicles .

  22. 该豪华列车的票价在2200美元到10000美元之间,但就在几天前,由东日本铁路公司提供的服务已经预售到了2018年3月。

    Fares on the deluxe 10-car train range between $ 2200 and $ 10000 but , with the service launching by East Japan Railway ( JR East ) just days ago , it 's already sold out through to March 2018 .

  23. 日本地震学家、琉球大学海洋地质学荣誉教授木村政昭博士日前预测,日本将于2017年遭遇另一场与2011年东日本大地震极为类似的9.0级强震。

    Dr. Masaaki Kimura , a seismologist and emeritus professor of submarine geology at the University of the Ryukyus , is currently predicting that another 9.0 magnitude earthquake , very similar to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake , will occur in Japan in 2017 .

  24. 一个新的哈利·波特式站台--13.5站台,已在东京上野车站专为四季岛号豪华寝台列车建造--虽然这似乎是唯一一项东日本铁路公司尚未彻底完成的豪华服务。

    A new Harry Potter-style Platform 13 1 / 2 has been built at Tokyo 's Ueno Station for Train Suite Shiki-Shima 's exclusive use -- although this seems to be the only time JR East has done things by halves with its new luxury service .

  25. 中国传统食品东传日本探述

    A Probe of East Introduction of Chinese Traditional Food to Japan

  26. 茶与佛道及东传日本

    Tea , Buddhism , Taoism and Their Introduction to Japan

  27. 关帝信仰的形成、东传日本及其影响

    The Formation of the Belief in Guandi and Its East Spread and Effect on Japan

  28. 论汉籍东传日本及其回流

    On the Flowing of Books of the Han Dynasty to Japan and Their Returning to China

  29. 随着佛教东传日本,茶文化也随之东传。

    After the introduction of Buddhism to Japan , the culture of tea has also spread there .

  30. 中国北与俄罗斯接壤,西北边疆存在诸多动荡因素,东与日本隔海相望,南中国海与东南亚国家海疆直接相连,在地缘战略方面处于可能被包围的潜在危机状态。

    Neighboring Russia in north , Japan in east and southeastern countries in south , China is in latent danger of geopolitical besiegement and has many unstable factors in Northwestern border area .