
  • 网络Video Sharing;Video Share;YouTube
  1. 去年,Comcast为合法音乐和视频分享网址的通讯加以干涉,F.C.C.分支机构予以否决。

    And last year , a divided F.C.C. ruled against Comcast for interfering with traffic to a lawful music and video sharing site .

  2. 那么,只剩下苹果公司一家,它要么也支持Theora2,要么只能开一个自己的视频分享网站,因为它的iPhone用户到时将无法收看Youtube。

    Apple is left with the choice of either building in support for these codecs or creating its own video sharing site that supports only H.264 and that native YouTube applet on your iPhone goes away .

  3. Unboxing指打开新购买物品的外包装,检查其特性,并拍照或拍成视频分享到社交媒体网站的行为,即“开箱晒单”。

    Unboxing is an act or instance of removing a newly purchased product from its packaging and examining its features , typically when filmed and shared on a social media site .

  4. 这是视频分享网站哔哩哔哩制作的纪录片《小小少年》的片段。

    This is part of a documentary Little Giants made by Bilibili , a video-sharing site .

  5. 而“me”(我)是图片和视频分享应用Instagram上第三大热门标签。

    And " # me " is the third-most-common tag on instagram .

  6. 2007年,Youtube视频分享网站上开通了“英国王室频道”,并有一个专门的“皇家主页”。

    In 2007 a Royal YouTube channel was launched , along with a new royal website .

  7. 于是以美国YouTube网站的运营模式为代表的视频分享网站在短短几年间遍地开花。

    As a result , video-sharing websites represented by American YouTube have blossomed everywhere in shortly several years .

  8. 中国消费者也有其他途径观看外国大片,数以千万计的观众通过视频分享网站和盗版DVD看电影。

    Chinese consumers have other routes to foreign blockbusters : tens of millions watch movies on video-sharing sites or on pirated DVDs .

  9. 考尔说她将在Youtube上分享自己的经历,即便受到死亡威胁,她还是会一如既往地上传视频分享自己的故事。

    She has decided to share her story on YouTube - and continues to upload videos despite receiving death threats .

  10. 范维伦在悉尼医院住院治疗时将自己的说唱视频分享到“YouTube”,在网络上火爆一时。

    Van Vuuren became an internet sensation after posting videos of himself at a Sydney Hospital rapping on video-sharing website YouTube .

  11. 在上传至YouTube视频分享网站的一段视频中,这一家四口自我介绍称他们是父亲卡尔、妈妈艾米、儿子莱恩和女儿凯特林。

    In a video posted on YouTube , the family introduce themselves as father Carl , mother Amy , son Layne and daughter Kaitlyn .

  12. 利用视频分享服务,比如TubeMogul或者TrafficGeyser在网络迅速传播视频。

    10-Use a video distribution service such as TubeMogul or Traffic Geyser to spread the video quickly across the Internet .

  13. 在视频分享网站《大思想)这篇和MegJay博士的访谈中,这位临床心理学家将向我们解释为什么20岁是人生的关键,以及,我们将应该怎样充分利用这段岁月。

    In this Q & A with Dr. Meg Jay , the clinical psychologist explains why the twenties matter , and how to make the most of them .

  14. 她的孙女比特莱斯和尤金妮公主给她解释了视频分享网站YouTube的原理,之后在2007年女王就在YouTube网站上开通了自己的王室频道。

    The concept of video-sharing site YouTube was explained to her by granddaughters Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie before she launched her own royal channel on the website in 2007 .

  15. 在视频分享网站YouTube上,可以搜索到许多人盯着手机结果忽视了前方障碍的视频,比如在美国一家商场内,一个行人直冲冲地走进了一个喷泉里。

    The video-sharing website YouTube is a trove of people too wrapped up in their phones to notice obstacles -- like the fountain one U.S. shopping-mall visitor walked straight into .

  16. NHN和Daum均曾抱怨称,该法律削弱了其视频分享业务的竞争力。

    NHN and Daum complained the rule made their video-sharing services less competitive .

  17. 视频分享网站YouTube删除了数百份与也门传教士相关的视频,因为他们称这些视频会煽动暴力。

    YouTube Removes ' Violent ' Videos from Site The video-sharing website YouTube has taken hundreds of videos of a Yemen-based cleric from its site because it says they incite violence .

  18. 近几年来,随着Web2.0时代的到来,以开放、互动、分享、交流为核心理念的视频分享网站得到了快速发展。

    In recent years , as the emergence of web 2.0 , video-sharing website , with the core principle of openness , interaction , sharing and exchanging , has developed rapidly .

  19. 肖娜来自英国的埃塞克斯,是一位化妆师,也是视频分享网站YouTube上的红人。她耗时一个半小时将自己打扮成灰姑娘、白雪公主等经典公主形象,但在其中都添加了个恐怖元素。

    Makeup artist and YouTube star Shonagh Scott from Essex spent 90 minutes transforming herself into the classic princesses - such as Cinderella and Snow White - but with a macabre twist 。

  20. 谷歌向消费者提供的内容(例如其视频分享网站YouTube上的内容)大多是免费的,用户上传的视频与专业传媒公司的视频片段基本没有区别。

    Notably , Google Inc. offers content to consumers largely free on properties like its video-sharing site YouTube , making relatively little distinction between clips from users and that of professional media companies .

  21. 最近,由视频分享网站Vine上一系列幽默短片引发的BruhMovement话题让它开始在网上流行起来。

    It recently gained internet fame with the # BruhMovement , launched by a series of humorous clips on short video sharing site Vine .

  22. 研究发现,Facebook和MySpace等社交网站,以及YouTube等视频分享网站在竞选中也起到重要作用,选民上网与他人交流,并鼓动他人改变立场。

    Social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace and video-sharing sites like YouTube played a key role , it said , as voters went online to share their views and try to mobilize others to their cause .

  23. 自2004年以来,博客、视频分享、问答、百科、SNS、微博、LBS、团购等如雨后春笋般出现,社会化媒体的格局日趋复杂。

    Since 2004 , blogs , video sharing , Q & A , Wikipedia , the SNS , micro-blog , LBS , buy , etc. sprang up like mushrooms , the pattern of social media is becoming increasingly complex .

  24. YouTube这一视频分享网站允许上传15分钟以上的超大视频文件。目前还不是每一个用户都有这种权限,只有一小部分精选的优秀YouTube用户可以享用。

    The vedios sharing site has started to allow uploads that are longer than 15 minutes which use to be the max. Not everyone can do this yet , only a select set of users with good standing with Youtobe .

  25. 这段被传至YouTube视频分享网站的视频时长27分钟,主要内容是布吕尼早年接受采访的片断,当年的布吕尼轻佻放荡,与如今身为第一夫人端庄贤淑的风格有着天壤之别。

    The 27-minute film , which has been posted on the video-sharing website YouTube , contains excerpts from interviews of the young Miss Bruni that juxtapose her risqu é past with her demure present as the wife of the French president .

  26. 吉米o李引述了两个通过收购成功实现增长的例子,一是Facebook斥资10亿美元收购图片和短视频分享网站Instagram(最新一期《财富》杂志对此进行了探讨),二是八年前谷歌(Google)收购YouTube。

    See a video of the discussion here . Lee cited Facebook 's success with its $ 1 billion Instagram acquisition ( recently outlined in the latest issue of Fortune magazine ) and Google 's success with buying YouTube eight years ago as examples of successful growth by acquisition .

  27. Youtube视频分享网、Dailymotion网站以及(面向儿童的)“企鹅俱乐部”角色扮演游戏社区也榜上有名,孩子们在“企鹅俱乐部”中都扮成小企鹅,它们“摇摇晃晃地走来走去,一起玩耍”。

    Video-sharing websites YouTube and Dailymotion are on the list , along with the Club Penguin online role playing game where children pretending to be the flightless birds " waddle about and play " together .

  28. 但是一直以来,视频分享网站普遍处于亏损状态。

    But video sharing websites have always been at a loss .

  29. 视频分享网站是网络2.0时代的一大代表。

    Video-sharing websites are one of the major representatives of internet 2.0 .

  30. 视频分享网站的著作权困境及其解决途径

    Video Sharing Websites ' Copyright Dilemma and Its Countermeasures