
  • 网络Optic tract;optictract
  1. 正常成人视束MRI研究

    Study of normal human optic tract with MRI

  2. 2,5-己二酮对大鼠视束纤维和视上丘细胞电生理特性的影响

    Effect of 2 , 5-hexanedione ( 2,5-hex ) on electrophysiological properties of optic tract and superior colliculus in hooded rat

  3. 目的研究视束MRI正常断面解剖。

    Objective To study the anatomy of the optic tract with MRI .

  4. 方法对不同胎龄的7个胎儿眼球标本进行灌注固定后,分别于标本的视束、上丘臂和视皮质下板层植入DiI染色晶体,以标记来自视网膜和外侧膝状体的轴突。

    Methods DiI was embedded into the optic tract , brachium of superior colliculus and subplate of visual cortex in fixed postmortem human tissues of 7 fetuses .

  5. 结果表明:2,5-已二酮使视束T1和T2轴突的传导速度降低,反应波形的幅度下降、上升时间延长、宽度增加、基强度减小。

    The results of this investigation demonstrated that the 2,5-HEX caused a decrease in conduction velocity , response amplitude and rheobase , and an increase in risetime , bandwidth at half amplitude in T1 and T2 optic tract axons .

  6. 应用复合动作电位记录技术研究了2,5-己二酮对大鼠视束大纤维(T1)和中纤维(T2)以及视上丘(SC)C2细胞电生理特性的影响。

    Compound action potential recording techniques were used to investigate the effects of 2,5-HEX on electrophysiological properties of large diameter ( T1 ) and medium diameter ( T2 ) optic tract axons , and superior colliculus C2 cells in hooded rats .

  7. 视束外、上方神经核团中的大、中型神经元;

    The large and medium neurons in the nuclei lateralis and superior of the tractus opticus ;

  8. 另外,在两侧视束和视束交叉处均有标记颗粒。

    In addition , labeled granules were also found in bilateral optic tracts and the optic chiasma .

  9. 视束纤维侧枝在外膝状体腹核及其附近的分布

    Distribution of collaterals of OPTIC-TRACT fibers in the ventral nucleus of lateral geniculate body and its adjacent structures

  10. 大鼠诱发垂体瘤及对视交叉、视束血循环影响的研究

    Pituitary tumor induced in rat and its effects on blood circulation of optic chiasma and optic tract , Experimental study

  11. 切除海马前部和钩时,应沿脉络丛的下面作软膜下分离,否则容易损伤视束、基底静脉及脉络膜前动脉。

    When the anterior part of hippocampus and uncus are being resected , dissociation should be along inferior surface of pia mater and inferior to choroid plexus , otherwise optic tract , basal vein and anterior choroidal artery can be damaged rashly .

  12. 视神经束综合征中视网膜神经纤维层的厚度

    Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in optic tract syndrome

  13. 视神经束测量对脑肿瘤早期诊断价值的探讨

    The value of measurement of optic nerve width with B type ultrasonic tomography and mri in the diagnosis of brain tumors

  14. 老年个体视神经束内胶质细胞活动增强可能对维持视神经纤维形态、功能或延缓视神经进一步衰老起保护作用

    An age-related activity enhancement of glial cells in the optic nerve of old cats may provide protective effects on nerve fibers during aging

  15. 在弓状核、视前内侧束内有密集的NOS阳性神经纤维。

    The density of NOS positive fibers also could be seen in the arcuate nucleus and medial forebrain bundle .

  16. 改变新型螺旋电极的触点位置可以实现选择性激活视神经纤维束。

    The new helix electrode can selectively activate optic nerve fascicle with variations of electrode contact locations .

  17. 2例炎症由于未侵犯视神经,视神经纤维束显示未见异常。

    Optic nerves in 2 inflammation patients were demonstrated as normal because inflammation did not encroach on optic nerves .

  18. 目的研究视神经、视交叉、视束、外侧膝状体等结构的动脉,为视力障碍和血管造影提供基础资料。

    Study on morphology , blood supply and pathological changes of supplying artery of medial geniculate body in the aged ;

  19. II类:仅位于第三脑室底,累及视交叉、漏斗、垂体柄、视神经和视束,共15例;

    Type II was only at the bottom of the third ventricle , and 15 cases in all .

  20. 其中胶质瘤11例,表现为视交叉增粗或肿块,伴有视神经或(和)视束受累;

    11 of them were gliomas of the optic chiasm which showed enlargement or mass of the optic chiasms with involvement of optic nerves and / or optic tracts .