
  • 网络visual function;vision;visual performance;audio-visual function
  1. 计算机显示终端CRT亮度对比度对视觉功能的影响

    The influence of luminance contrast of VDT on visual performance

  2. VDT的亮度对比度和屏面亮度在对操作者视觉功能的影响中,存在着交互作用。

    There are interactions in the effects of VDT luminance contrast and screen luminance on operator 's visual performance .

  3. 最后,可以购买一些便宜的USBWeb相机来为机器人添加视觉功能。

    Finally , you can purchase inexpensive USB Web cameras to give your robot the ability of sight .

  4. 根据《华尔街日报》(theWallStreetJournal)消息,谷歌(Google)正在开发一款拥有先进视觉功能的平板电脑。

    Google ( GOOG ) is currently making a tablet with advanced vision capabilities , according to the Wall Street Journal .

  5. 结果:屈光不正眼儿童矫正屈光后皮层视觉功能区神经元活动范围明显增加(p<0.05);

    Results : After ametropia correction , the neure activity in the functional area of visual cortex of children with ametropia increased obviojsly ( p < 0.05 );

  6. 脑SPECTrCBF在同向性偏盲患者视觉功能研究中的价值

    The value of rCBF brain SPECT in assessing visual function of patients with homonymous hemianopia

  7. 且听俄勒冈太平洋大学(PacificUniversity)视觉功能学院(VisionPerformanceInstitute)所长、视觉科学医生吉姆?希迪(JimSheedy)为我们揭示真相。

    Jim Sheedy , a doctor of vision science and director of the Vision Performance Institute at Oregon 's Pacific University , sets his sights on the truth .

  8. 目的:利用血氧水平依赖性功能性磁共振成像(BOLD-fMRI)技术及非金属MRI专用眼镜。分析探索屈光不正对儿童大脑皮层视觉功能区神经元活动的影响。

    Objective : To explore ametropia 's influence on children 's visual cortex by using BOLD-fMRI technology and non-metal glasses .

  9. 方法对82例临床眼眶手术患者术中行FVEP视觉功能监测,以期观察术中视觉功能状况,并与术后视觉功能进行分析比较。

    Method The visual function of 82 cases was monitored during orbital surgery with FVEP .

  10. 探讨在视觉功能的基础上获得人眼光谱光视效率的可能性以及基于视觉功能法(Performance-basedMethod)和传统的视亮度匹配法(Brightness-matchingmethod)之间所存在的联系。

    To validate the possibility of working out the spectral luminous efficacy curves based on visual performance at mesopic light levels ; to find the connection between the results of performance-based method and brightness-matching method .

  11. 目的研究弱视对儿童双眼视及VEP双眼总和的影响。以便对弱视儿童双眼间的相互作用及双眼视觉功能异常程度进行大体了解。

    Objective To study the influence on binocular vision and visual evoked potential binocular summation ( VEPBS ) in normal and amblyopia children .

  12. 结论VDT操作较书本阅读更易对人视觉功能产生影响,VDT操作可对泪膜性状和视觉质量产生暂时的影响。

    Conclusions Short-term VDT work does have a significantly greater temporarily effect on visual function , tear film quality and visual quality .

  13. 用PTZ摄像机系统模拟中央凹视觉功能,完成局部精确注视与平滑跟踪。

    PTZ vision camera imitates the fovea of retina , orients gaze onto the target and keeps the target image stable on the fovea , realizing gaze and smooth pursuit .

  14. 结论FVEP应用于眼眶手术中的视觉功能监护,能及时发现视神经损伤和手术操作不当,可降低手术致盲率。

    Conclusion Intraoperative monitoring of visual function with FVEP can show the surgical injury of the optic nerve and unsuitable procedures , and decrease the surgical blind rate .

  15. 结论PRVEP检查能较准确反映鞍区肿瘤患者视路受损及术后视觉功能改善情况,对鞍区肿瘤患者视觉功能的评判有一定的临床实用价值。

    Conclusion The visual function , which has been damaged by sella area tumor and improved postoperation , can be confirmed by PRVEP examination . It has very important clinical value for the patients with sella area tumor in assessing visual function .

  16. 视屏作业对视觉功能及行为功能影响的观察

    Investigation of Effects of VDT Operation on Visual and Behavioural Function

  17. 使用同视机检查主观旋转度数和双眼视觉功能。

    Subjective cyclodeviations and binocular vision function were assessed by synoptophore .

  18. 结论:屈光不正会明显降低儿童皮层视觉功能区的神经元活动。

    Conclusion : Ametropia can decrease visual cortex neure activity apparently .

  19. 年龄相关性白内障早期视觉功能的临床评价

    Early clinical evaluation of visual function in patients with age-related cataract

  20. 基于视觉功能法的中间视觉光度学模型及其在道路照明中的应用

    Performance-based Model for Mesopic Photometry and its Application in Road Lighting

  21. 注视视频终端对视觉功能的影响

    Effects of short - term VDT usage on visual functions

  22. 歼击机女飞行员心血管和视觉功能动态变化情况分析

    Dynamic changes analysis of fighter female pilots ' cardiovascular and visual function

  23. 不同照度下萤光灯在两节自修课中对学生视觉功能的影响

    Illuminating Effects of Luminescent Lamps on Visual Acuity of Students during Self-study

  24. 视电生理检查在白内障患者视觉功能预测中的意义

    Significance of visual electrophysiological testing in visual function prediction in cataract cases

  25. 视觉功能修复中的图像和信号处理方法研究

    Researches of Image and Signal Processing Methods in Vision Rehabilitation

  26. 噪声对不同人格类型被试者视觉功能的不同影响

    Effects of Noise on Visual Function of Different Personalities

  27. 阅读障碍与视觉功能的研究进展

    The advancement of researches on dyslexia and vision function

  28. 它能识别和合成声音,视觉功能非常好。

    The robot can identify and compose sound , and have good vision .

  29. 荧光灯频闪对视觉功能影响的实验观察

    Effect of Flicker Generated by Fluorescent Lamp on Asthenopia

  30. 视觉功能法在道路照明中的应用

    The Application of Performance Based Method in Road Lighting