
  • 网络nutrients supplementation
  1. 近三年经批准生产的营养素补充剂的统计分析

    Statistical analysis about nutrients supplementation that had been confirmed to production for the three years

  2. 结论:复合营养素补充剂能改善中老年人VA、Zn、Se营养状况,并能促进体液免疫功能。

    Conclusion : Supplementation of compound nutrients could improve the nutritional status of vitamin A , zinc and selenium , and may promote humoral immunity .

  3. 按整群随机的原则分为干预组和对照组,干预组每周补充5次Sprinkles(周一至周五),补充期为10周,对照组不给任何营养素补充剂。

    All children were divided into intervention group and control group by class , children of intervention group were received five times supplement ( from Monday to Friday ) for 10 weeks .

  4. Chavarro研究小组在此之前曾发现,从营养素补充剂或植物食物中摄取较多的铁的妇女,较少患有不孕症;并没有发现生育与各种脂肪之间存在相关性。

    Chavarro 's team had earlier found that women who ate more iron from supplements and from plant foods were less likely to be infertile , and found no link between fertility and various types of fats .

  5. 目的:为研究复合微量营养素补充剂对儿童营养状况的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of multi-micronutrients supplementation on nutritional status of children .