
  • 网络nutrient fortified food
  1. 营养强化食品中钙的离子色谱测定法

    Determination of Calcium in Nutritive Food by Ion Chromatography

  2. 我国营养强化食品发展概况与存在问题

    Development of and Problems in Nutrition-Intensified Foods in China

  3. 此外,用血红素铁营养强化食品对患缺铁性贫血的儿童、孕妇和女大学生进行人体验证试验,结果表明血红素铁强化食品对缺铁性贫血有良好的疗效。

    Furthermore , heme-iron-fortified food was tested in children , pregnant women and college girl students suffered from iron deficiency anemia ( IDA ), the results showed that heme iron fortified food has good corrective effects for IDA .

  4. 营养强化辅助食品补充物对甘肃贫困农村婴幼儿体格生长的影响

    Effects of nutrient fortified complementary food supplements on growth of infants and young children in poor rural area in Gansu Province

  5. 营养素在强化食品中的应用

    Application of Nutrients in Fortified Food

  6. 为营养不良儿童提供强化食品的法国制造企业Nutriset已经把生产外包给非洲当地的特许经营点。

    Nutriset , a French manufacturer of fortified food for malnourished children , has outsourced production to local franchises in Africa .

  7. 营养强化是现代军用食品研制与生产过程中的一项重要技术。

    In this article , the property and purpose of nutrient enrichment on military food are introduced .

  8. 结论补充营养素强化的辅助食品有利于贫困农村4~12个月婴儿的智力发育。

    Conclusion Micronutrient fortified complementary food supplement is effective for children aged 4-12 month in terms of mental development .