
wài cè qiū xì
  • lateral lemniscus
  1. 上橄榄复合体的神经元再进一步投射到外侧丘系核以及下丘。

    Superior olivary complex neurons further projected to the lateral lemniscus nucleus and inferior colliculus .

  2. 特殊感觉核,如前庭内侧核和脊核、蜗神经核、外侧丘系核;

    The special sensory nuclei , such as the medial and spinal vestibular nuclei , the cochlear nucleus , and the lateral lemniscus nucleus ;

  3. 大鼠外侧丘系核GABA能免疫阳性神经元向下丘的投射

    The Projection of GABA-immunoreactive Neurons in the Nuclei of Lateral Lemniscus to the Inferior Colliculus of Rat

  4. 首次观察到外侧丘系核的尾段有一个深染的结构;

    There was a dark dyed structure in nLL of Pekin ducks which was first observed ;

  5. 上行至下丘的通路主要起源于耳蜗核、上橄榄复合体、外侧丘系核,形成单耳和双耳输入通路。

    The main ascending input to the inferior colliculus is from the cochlear nucleus , superior olivary complex , lateral lemniscus nucleus , which formed monaural and binaural input pathways .

  6. 至下丘脑尾侧部行于被盖腹侧区及其背外侧,在内侧丘系与大脑脚间。

    At caudal hypo-thalamus level , it runs in ventral tegmental area and a region between medial lemniscus and cerebral peduncle .

  7. 猫丘脑中央外侧核内脊丘系终末与丘脑-皮质投射神经元之间的突触联系

    The synaptic connections between the spinothalamic terminals and thalamocortical projecting neurons in the central lateral nucleus ( cl ) of the cat

  8. 外侧群动脉分布于外侧丘系、中央束和网状结构;

    The lateral group supplies the lateral lemniscus , central tegmental tract and reticular formation .