
wài jǐnɡ dì
  • shooting location
  1. 《恐龙》结合了电脑生成的动画和外景地实地拍摄的画面。

    ‘ Dinosaur ’ combines CGI animation with live-action location shots .

  2. 这些影像是电视剧组人员在外景地拍摄的。

    The images were captured by TV crews filming outside the base .

  3. 风景如画的Roslyn小镇举办过诸多稀奇古怪的欢庆活动,不过它名扬天下的原因在于曾是美国昔日热门剧集《北国风云》(NorthernExposure)的外景地。

    Roslyn picturesque town used to hold a number of bizarre celebrations , but it was famous because it is the setting of the once popular television series named " Northland "( Northern Exposure ) .

  4. 所有景观都是在威尔士外景地拍摄的。

    All the outdoor scenes were shot on location in wales .

  5. 我们打算租条船去一个外景地拍摄。

    The one that we hired to get to the location .

  6. 我觉得自己就像在电影外景地或什么里一样。

    I feel like I 'm on a movie set or something .

  7. 不建议只拍摄一天的朋友选择陌生外景地。

    Fourth , don 't suggest only a day friend selection strange filming locations .

  8. Nemcsik通过询问朋友上一次梦中的场景来选定外景地。

    Nemcsik decided on locations by asking his friends the scenery of their last dream

  9. 电影外景地的旅游吸引力

    Tourism attraction of film sites

  10. 电影《花样年华》的部分镜头是在外景地吴哥窟拍摄的。

    Some scenes in the film In the Mood for Love was shot on location in Angkor Wat ;

  11. 非主题公园式外景地旅游发展研究&以舟山桃花岛景区为例

    Study on the Tourism Development in Non-theme Park Movie Locations : A Case Study of Taohua Island in Zhejiang Province

  12. 构建一座精神的小镇&评墨白的《梦游症患者》和《寻找外景地》

    Building a small town of spirit & On MO Bai s works of Sleep-walking patient and Looking for the exteriors ground ;

  13. 这是奥斯卡金像奖得主谭盾、导演冯小刚和我,在美丽的安吉外景地里!

    This is Oscar winning compser Tan dun , my director Feng Xiao Gang and I on our most beautiful Anji set .

  14. 随着第一部电影一炮打响,许多外景地都成了霍格沃茨魔法学校的圣地,这一点都不奇怪。

    It 's not surprising , with the huge popularity of the first movie , that many of these locations have now become shrines to Hogwarts .

  15. 道具设计师斯图亚特·克雷格说,在选择外景地的过程中,他路过利物浦的一个码头,当即他就得到了现在这个孤儿院的灵感。

    Production designer Stuart Craig says that the exterior of the orphanage was inspired by a building he came across while location scouting on the dockside in Liverpool .

  16. 在许多方面,当你在外景地拍电影而你不能得到所有激发表演的条件的时候,你可以把它看做舞台剧演出。

    In a lot of ways , you can liken it to being on the stage , when you don 't have all the stimulus you get when you 're on location shooting a film .

  17. 斯图亚特·克雷格指出:“在我们寻找外景地的时候,我们发现了位于爱尔兰西部的莫赫悬崖,并当即决定把洞穴的入口设在那里。”

    Stuart Craig recalls ," When we were doing our location scouts , we found the Cliffs of Moher in the west of Ireland and immediately thought they would be spectacular for the entrance of the cave . "

  18. 当时要找一个合适的外景拍摄地相当困难。

    It was difficult to find a suitable location .

  19. 他们把这部电影的外景拍摄地改为夏威夷。

    They switch the location of the movie to hawaii .

  20. 影片的大部分镜头是在外景拍摄地拍的。

    Most scenes of the film were shot on location .

  21. 她刚从外景拍摄地拍完电影回来。

    She had lust come back from doing a picture on location .

  22. 上周在电影问答环节中,西尔莎·罗南表示,梅丽尔在外景拍摄地订购了温蒂汉堡令她感到“震惊”。

    Meryl apparently left her co-star Saoirse Ronan " shocked " when she ordered Wendy 's on-location , Saoirse admitted at a Q & A for the film last week .

  23. 受大众对电影与电视外景拍摄地向往的影响,旅游业热火朝天,机票热销。一种被称为“外景地爱好”的现象。夏威夷因此成了狂热影迷们的电影天堂。

    As the tourist industry enjoys a boom in bookings inspired by movie and TV locations a phenomenon known as " set-jetting " Hawaii is celluloid nirvana for besotted film fans .

  24. 随着2016年电影《你的名字》(史上票房最高的动画电影)一炮而红,斐多地区再次成为人们关注的焦点。由于电影的忠实影迷的推动,斐多地区成为了外景拍摄地的旅游圣地。

    The Hida region has come into the spotlight anew following the success of the 2016 blockbuster film Your Name ( Kimi no Na Wa ) - history 's highest grossing anime feature - as devoted fans have made the Hida region a pilgrimage destination for location spotting .

  25. 外景是在沼泽地拍摄的。

    The filming of the exterior scenes was done on the moors .

  26. 但是,影视拍摄也能给外景地带来一些问题,如投资成本过大、促销策略倾斜、旅游发展时空集聚、同类外景地的品牌竞争。

    However , there are also some potential problems , such as blind investment , the clustering of tourists in space and time , and the increasing competition with the other similar locations .