
  • 网络patent
  1. WTO争端解决机制下药品专利保护案对我国的启示

    Enlightenments from Pharmaceutical Patent Protection Cases under WTO Settlement Mechanism

  2. TRIPs框架下药品专利权和公共健康的平衡

    Striking a Balance between Patent Rights and Public Health : The TRIPS Attempt

  3. TRIPs框架内药品专利强制许可制度之研究

    Research on the Compulsory License System for Medicine Patents under TRIPs

  4. 药品专利与公共健康维护的冲突问题也愈演愈烈,成为WTO架构下极为重要而迫切的议题。

    The conflict between pharmaceutical patent and public health has been intensifying as well and has become an important and pressing issue .

  5. 美式FTA中与药品专利有关的超TRIPs条款研究

    Analysis of Selected TRIPs-plus Provisions Pertinent to Pharmaceutical Patent Contained in American FTAs

  6. 第一部分TRIPS协定的产生及其对药品专利保护的全面提升。

    Part 1 : TRIPS came into being and then comprehensively improved drug patent protection .

  7. TRIPS协定之下的中国药品专利保护立法

    Chinese Pharmaceutical Legislation under TRIPS Agreement

  8. TRIPs协议的药品专利制度与中药专利保护

    On the Medicine Patent System and the Traditional Chinese Traditional Medicine Patent Protection in TRIPs Agreement

  9. 我国现行的药品专利保护制度规定过于严格,没有充分利用TRIPS协定的弹性条款。

    The current protection on pharmacy in China is rigid and the elastic clauses in TRIPS Agreement is not properly used .

  10. 这种倾向,在国内法中表现为对药品专利延长保护期的规定,在TRIPS协议中表现为邮箱申请条款和专有销售权的规定。

    This trend is expressed as the pharmaceutical patent extensions in civil law , Mail-box provision and exclusive marketing right in the TRIPS agreement .

  11. TRIPS协议又进一步加强了药品专利的保护力度,更加深了发展中国家防治艾滋病的困境,问题不断出现。

    TRIPS Agreement has been further strengthened patent protection on AIDS , and it puts the developing countries to a predicament , problems arise continuously .

  12. 本文着眼于WTO背景下药品专利与公共健康之间的冲突问题,对冲突的形成原因和协调途径进行了分析和论证,并提出对我国的法律对策建议。

    With a view to this issue in the scope of the WTO , this thesis analyzes the cause of the conflict between pharmaceutical patents and public health and the way to balance them .

  13. 随着甲型H1N1流感疫情在全球蔓延,药品专利保护与公共健康的博弈更加激烈。

    With the widespread of influenza A virus subtype H1N1 epidemic all over the world , the game between pharmaceuticals patent protection and public health is fiercer .

  14. 本章指出,虽然《多哈宣言》就TRIPS协议与公共健康领域相关的问题进行了澄清,但同时也有局限性,其并没有根本解决公共健康与药品专利之间的冲突。

    According to this chapter , even Doha Declaration had clarified some issues on TRIPS Agreement and public health , it had some limitations and had not overcome the conflicts between public health and pharmaceutical patents .

  15. 《多哈宣言》明确了WTO成员充分利用TRIPS协议中的弹性条款的权利,但并未解决TRIPS下药品专利权与公共健康权的法权冲突。

    Doha Declaration determines WTO members ' right that is to make full of elastic clause in TRIPS agreement . However , it does not solve the conflict between patent right of drugs and public health right under TRIPS .

  16. 在TRIPS协议框架下,药品专利国际保护体系是基于发达国家高水平药品专利保护的要求之上的,其更多体现的是发达国家的意志和利益。

    Under the framework of the TRIPS Agreement , the international pharmaceutical patent protection system is based on the requirements of a high level pharmaceutical patent protection in developed countries , which embody their will and interests in more aspects .

  17. WTO背景下药品专利与公共健康之冲突与协调尽管备用信用证,或称具有独立性的担保的出现是对传统的担保制度的一次重大突破,但却没有突破传统担保制度的极限。

    The Conflict and Coordination between Pharmaceutical Patents and Public Health in the Scope of WTO & And on the Legislation Countermeasures of China However different from the traditional suretyship , Standby , or say guarantee with character of independence , is still within the scope of guarantee system .

  18. 试论我国药品专利与新药研究开发

    On the Pharmaceutical Patent and Development of New Drugs in China

  19. 论药品专利保护制度与公共健康法律问题研究

    On Drugs Patent System and the Public Health Law Problem Research

  20. 介绍药品专利保护的三种形式。

    There are three forms for the protection of pharmaceutical product .

  21. 我国的入世承诺与药品专利保护

    Commitments on Access to WTO and Pharmaceutical Patent Protection in China

  22. 我国制药企业药品专利相关问题初探

    Discussion on Issues Concerning Chinese Pharmaceutical Enterprises ' Drug Patents

  23. 美国的药品专利连接制度研究

    Study on the Drug Patent Linkage System in the USA

  24. 论公共健康与药品专利强制许可

    On Public Health and the Compulsory License for Medicine Patent

  25. 药品专利很长时间以来一直是制药业的中心特色。

    Patents have long been a central feature of the pharmaceutical industry .

  26. 对于药品专利保护的探讨

    A Discussion on Drug Accessibility and Drug Patent Protection

  27. 浅论药品专利保护和公共健康的冲突与协调

    On the Drug Patent Protection and Public Health and Coordination of the Conflict

  28. 药品专利强制许可的发展经历了不同的阶段。

    The development of the compulsory license of drug patents experiences various stages .

  29. 目的为我国实施药品专利战略提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE : To provide references for implementing drug patent strategy in China .

  30. 从药品专利侵权诉讼看现有技术抗辩原则的运用

    Application of defense principle of publicly known technology in the drug patent infringement litigation