
  • 网络Medicine contraception;medical contraception
  1. 实际上,基于MHC的匹配方法,唯一不适合的人群是正在药物避孕的女士们。

    Indeed , the only people for whom MHC matching might not be expected to work are women on the Pill .

  2. 药物避孕失败时妊娠:GRECO研究经验(法)

    Pregnancies occurring under oral contraception : Lessons from the GRECO study ( Fren )

  3. 许多妇女有了两个孩子后就采用药物避孕。

    Many women go on the pill after have two children .

  4. 其原因已被追溯到对含有激素治疗药物和避孕药品中的残留激素的废水处理不当和大量排放。

    The cause has been traced back to the release of improperly treated wastewater that contains hormones from hormone therapy drugs and birth control pills .

  5. 目前,多种避孕药物、避孕器具在临床得到较广泛的应用,但仍因其或多或少的并发症而未被广泛接受,因此尚缺乏理想的为男女两性所普遍接受的避孕节育措施。

    Although many kinds of contraceptive agents and devices have been adapted in clinic , they are not widely accepted yet due to more or less complications .

  6. 目的:黄姜中提取的薯蓣皂甙元是合成甾体激素药物、抗炎药物和甾体避孕药物的主要原料。

    Objective : The diosgenin extracted from yam can be synthesized the steroid hormone medicine , the anti-inflammatory medicine and the steroid contraceptive .