
  • 网络Leicester square;Leicester Sq
  1. 你能告诉我去莱斯特广场的路吗?

    Can you tell me the way to Leicester Square ?

  2. 安娜:莱斯特广场。是的,这里是莱斯特广场。

    Anna : Leicester Square . Yes , this is Leicester Square .

  3. 他住在莱斯特广场附近,步行上班。

    He lives near Leicester Square and walks to work .

  4. 伦敦:1100多人聚集在莱斯特广场观看首映式。

    In London about 1,100 people gathered in Leicester Square for the premiere .

  5. 我听到有人在莱斯特广场上吹短号。

    I heard a cornet playing in Leicester square .

  6. 近年来,庆典活动已经扩展到了特拉法加广场和莱斯特广场。

    In recent years the celebrations have extended to Trafalgar Square and Leicester Square .

  7. 嗯,你知道新版的动作片这周要在莱斯特广场播放首映式吗?

    Feifei : Well , you know that brand new action film that is having its premiere in Leicester Square this week ?

  8. 在这部大热的世界魔幻系列电影终章首映式上,这名英俊的演员在伦敦莱斯特广场一出场就震撼了全场。

    The handsome star rocked up at London 's Leicester Square for the world premiere of the final film in the popular fantasy franchise .

  9. 众多明星聚集在伦敦莱斯特广场出席《哈里·波特与火焰杯》的全球首映仪式。

    The stars of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire have attended the film 's world premiere at the Odeon Leicester Square in London .

  10. 游戏开发商美国动视公司于好莱坞红毯秀后在伦敦莱斯特广场举办首映仪式揭开这部游戏的神秘面纱。

    Game-maker Activision rolled out the camouflaged carpet in a first ever game premiere at London 's Leicester Square styled after Hollywood 's red carpet affairs .

  11. 因此,魔法部很可能在莱斯特广场或查林十字车站的附近,与破釜酒吧和麻瓜政府部门都很接近。

    Consequently , the Ministry of Magic is probably near Leicester Square or Charing Cross stations , close to both the Leaky Cauldron and to the Muggle government ministries .

  12. 在莱斯特广场店,他从雇员成为经理助理,并在最终达到顶层之前,沿着公司的晋升阶梯快速蹿升,其中包括在美国连续待了一年半。

    From crew member he became assistant manager in the Leicester Square branch and then quickly climbed the corporate ladder , including an 18-month stint in the US , before eventually reaching the top .

  13. 据说泰勒穿过莱斯特广场Cineworld电影院的侧门,避开了红毯,偷溜进了晚会。一位电影联合主演分享了一张她在晚会上的照片时,她的主页就火了。

    Taylor is said to have slipped in through a side door of Cineworld Leicester Square to avoid the red carpet , with her cover rumbled when a movie co-star shared a photo of her at the after-party .

  14. 虽然周一早些时候缺席了拍照环节,但詹妮弗劳伦斯晚上亮相《饥饿游戏2:星火燎原》在伦敦莱斯特广场的首映式弥补了之前的遗憾。

    She wasnt present at a photo-call conducted earlier that day , but Jennifer Lawrence made up for her absence on Monday night when she arrived in Londons Leicester Square for the premiere of The Hunger Games : Catching Fire .