
lián huā lào
  • Lotus Flower Falling;folk ballad popular in North China;a popular song sung to the accompaniment of the castanets
莲花落 [lián huā lào]
  • [popular (Chinese) song or melody] 一种以莲花落,落莲花一类句子做衬腔或尾声的曲艺,常用竹板打节拍

  1. 新干莲花落是旧社会盲艺人乞讨时而表演的一种民间说唱曲艺。

    ' Lian Hua Lao ' in Xingan County is one of folk art forms when blind artists made begging in Chinese old society .

  2. 作为民俗文化遗产的新干莲花落,它的丰富内容和基本特征及其传承历史,在我国古文化中有其独特的地位。

    As one folk cultural heritage ,' Lian Hua Lao ' of Xingan County has enormous contents , basic features and its inherited history , which occupies a special position in Chinese ancient cultures .

  3. 太原莲花乐也称作莲花落、莲花闹。主要产生于山西文水、交城、平遥一带,流传于太原。

    Taiyuan Lotus music also known as " Lotus down ", " Lotus downtown . " The main text of the water produced in Shanxi , Jiaocheng , Pingyao area , popular in Taiyuan .

  4. 太原莲花乐具有重要的历史地位:半个世纪以来,太原莲花落家喻户晓,成为人们口耳相传、喜闻乐见的一种民间艺术形式。

    Taiyuan Le Lotus has an important historical position : half a century , Taiyuan Lotus drop known , become word of mouth , loved by a folk art form .