
lián rónɡ
  • mashed lotus seed
  1. 这种包子的馅是甜的——芝麻,红豆或者莲蓉。

    The buns have a sweet filling -- sesame , red bean or lotus paste .

  2. 这种包子的馅是甜的&芝麻,红豆或者莲蓉。

    The buns have a sweet filling & sesame , red bean or lotus paste .

  3. 莲蓉,枣泥,豆沙,鳯梨各三个小月饼。

    Three small mooncakes of each flavor : Lotus , Date , Red Bean , and Pineapple .

  4. 汤圆内的馅有红豆沙、白糖芝麻、花生糊、莲蓉等。

    Tang Yuan of a red sand filling , sugar sesame , peanut paste , Lianrong , and so on .

  5. 这个可以根据个人的喜好来决定,豆沙、莲蓉、蛋黄等等。

    It 's totally up to you what filling to add , such as sweetened lotus seed paste , bean paste , egg yolk , you name it .

  6. 月饼是一种厚厚的糕点,形状像打了皱摺的圆鼓,里面有甜豆沙或者莲蓉馅。在每个馅的最中间还有一个熟蛋黄,象征月亮。

    The cakes are filled with sweet bean paste or lotus seed , and at the very heart of each is a boiled egg yolk to symbolize the moon .