• mushroom
  • 蕈,菌类植物:香~。冬~。蘑~。


(蘑菇) mushroom:

  • 冬菇

    dried mushrooms;

  • 香菇

    Xianggu mushroom

  1. 对引自江都的白灵菇菌种,在不同温度、pH、营养物质条件下菌丝的生长特性进行了研究。

    The characteristics of Bailing mushroom hypha growth in different temperature , pH and nutrients were researched .

  2. 21种堆肥原料中菇渣、茶渣、蜜糖渣和酵母渣N素使用成本小于15.0元/千克,是最佳的N调节物料。

    The N use-cost of mushroom residue , tea-leaf , dregs of molasses and yeast are less than 15.0 ¥ / kg .

  3. 松乳菇菌丝纯培养及其分离物的DNA指纹研究

    Studies on the Isolation , Pure Culture and DNA Identification of Mycelia of Lactarius Deliciosus

  4. 低能N~+束诱变选育耐高温阿魏菇研究富硒金针菇菌种的诱变选育

    Studies on Mutation Breeding of Mushroom Pleurotus Ferulae with High Concentration of Temperature by Low-energy N ~ + Beam Implantation

  5. 火菇素cDNA基因的原核表达与重组蛋白的纯化及活性研究

    Prokaryotic Expression of Flammulin cDNA Gene and Purification of Recombinant Protein and Activity Research

  6. 磨菇多糖对小鼠Lewis肺癌的抑瘤及免疫调节作用

    Antitumor and immunomodulatory effects of Lentinan on Lewis lung cancer

  7. 室外稻草栽培,不用掭加剂,产量(kg菇/kg料)为0.82;

    Outdoor cultivation in rice straw without any additive results ina yield of 0.82 kg mushrooms / kg compost .

  8. 研究了金福菇的形态特征和影响其生长发育的主要因素,比较了不同温度、pH、湿度、碳源、氰源、石灰、麸皮和稻草等条件下菌丝生长和原基发生的情况。

    The morphological characteristics of Tricholoma giganteum and major factor affecting its mycelial growth and primordium formation were studied in this paper .

  9. 对白灵菇菌丝进行了不同碳源、氮源、温度、pH和通透气生长特性影响的研究。

    Experiments on Pleurotus ferulae with different carbon source , nutrition source , temperature , pH , the offect of breathing growth conditions were carried out .

  10. 无机磷含量也以菇蕾形成阶段最低,这和ATP的合成与分解作用有关。

    Pi content was lowest at the third stage , this could relate to the decomposition and synthesis of ATP .

  11. 金针菇遗传连锁图的构建及菌丝生长速度的QTL定位

    Genetic Linkage Map and Quantitative Trait Loci Controlling Vegetative Growth Rate in the Edible Basidiomycete Flammulina Velutipes

  12. 白环柄菇[Lepiotaalba(Bresad.)Sacc]的生理学特性和栽培研究

    Study on physiological morphological characteristics and cultivation of Lepiota alba

  13. 白金针菇的液体培养及6-BA对其菌丝体生长的影响

    The liquid cultivation of flammulina velutipes and the effect of 6-BA on mycelium growth

  14. 测定了长根菇(Collybiaradicata)在大豆饼粉蔗糖培养基内,深层发酵过程中发酵液的碳、氮消耗和pH值变化、菌丝干重以及多糖的动态变化。

    The changes of carbon , nitrogen sources , pPH value , mycelial dry weight , and polysaccharide content in culture of Collybia radicata in soybean meal-sucrose medium were determined .

  15. 金针菇的多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性在全株中呈现区域化分布。

    The compartmentation distribution of polyphenol oxidase ( PPO ), peroxidase ( POD ) and catalase ( CAT ) activities in Flammulina velutipes appeared .

  16. 纯化产物对实验动物移植肿瘤的抑瘤作用实验的研究指出,火菇素对小鼠肉瘤S180和艾氏腹水瘤有明显的抑制作用,且能延长小鼠的生存期。

    The product was found to have marked anti-tumor effect on Sarcoma 180 and Ehrlich ascites tumor .

  17. 在此条件下,大球盖菇菌丝生物量及EPS含量分别比对照增加了31.8%和51.6%。

    Under these conditions the output of hypha biomass and EPS increased by 31.8 % and 51.6 % respectively as compared with the control .

  18. 第一轮杂交获得400个F1菌株,出菇试验后获得了280个性状较好的F1杂交菌株。

    The first hybridizing obtained 400 F1 strains , and through cultivating experiment , 280 hybrid strains with better agronomic characters were obtained .

  19. 除碳、氮源外,Vb1及K、P、Mg、S等元素也是金针菇菌丝体生长所必需的营养因子。适宜的碳氮比(C/N.)

    VB1 and the elements K , P , Mg , S also were essential additives , in addition to carbon and nitrogen sources , for the mycelial growth .

  20. 中国田头菇属(agrocybe)一新记录种的报道

    Reports on the one newly recorded species of the Agrocybe

  21. 经数值模拟,得出了可以满足菇房室内气流组织要求的送风方式和参数,同时该流动模型可有效排除室内污染物,满足菇房CO2浓度限制要求。

    The case of ventilation and the parameter needed by airflow were taken through the numerical simulation , and the ventilation could effectively exhaust indoor contaminates to meet the limitation on concentration of CO2 .

  22. 本文报道了中国田头菇属Agrocybe一新记录种&无环田头菇。

    This paper is reported one newly recorded species of the Agrocybe from China .

  23. 根据GenBank中植酸酶基因的保守区设计并合成一对特异性引物,以金针菇菌丝的总DNA为模板,通过PCR扩增,获得了一条长约790bp的片段。

    The phytase gene region was cloned by PCR amplification from Flammulina velutipes genomic DNA with a pair of specific primers designed according to the conserved sequence of phytase genes in the GenBank .

  24. 对60名菇房工人进行皮肤点刺试验和血清粉螨特异性IgE抗体测定。

    The condition of acariasis allergy to 60 workers in plantations was surveyed by skin prick test ( SPT ), specific IgE of mites detection in serum .

  25. 100g香菇、平菇及金针菇子实体中纯多糖平均提取量分别为15.0、7.8和26.6mg,并用咔唑反应、纸层析法对其进行鉴定。

    Mg / 100 ? g , respectively . The polysaccharide was identified by means of carbazole reaction and filter paper chromatography .

  26. 通过分离和出菇试验,获得了纯化的平菇(PleurotusSapidus)和香菇(Lentinusedodes)单孢系。

    Single spore pure lines of homozygous Pleurotus sapidus and Lentinus edodes were isolated and mushroom germination was tested .

  27. 利用TAIL-PCR技术克隆猴头菇β-glucosidase基因

    Cloning of β - glucosidase Gene by TAIL - PCR from Hericium erinaceus

  28. 野生绿菇(Russulavirescens)的生态学特性调查研究

    A Study on the Ecological Characteristics of Russula virescens

  29. 研究结果表明:选用合适的保鲜剂,并辅以打孔自发气调法和适宜的包装材料,可使金针菇贮存保鲜7d。

    The results showed that suitable antistaling agent , modified atmosphere packaging and appropriate wrappings can make Flammulina velutipes keep fresh for 7 days .

  30. 当培养基含水量为45%时,所测试的三种食用菌菌丝SOD的活性在菌丝生长后期都接近或超过对照组,金针菇和真姬菇菌丝POD活性在整个生长过程中剧烈波动。

    When the moisture of the medium was 45 % , the activeness of the SOD in the mycelium of the three tested fungi was close or surpassed the control strains during the late period of growing .
