
  • 网络mushroom houses
  1. 经数值模拟,得出了可以满足菇房室内气流组织要求的送风方式和参数,同时该流动模型可有效排除室内污染物,满足菇房CO2浓度限制要求。

    The case of ventilation and the parameter needed by airflow were taken through the numerical simulation , and the ventilation could effectively exhaust indoor contaminates to meet the limitation on concentration of CO2 .

  2. 对60名菇房工人进行皮肤点刺试验和血清粉螨特异性IgE抗体测定。

    The condition of acariasis allergy to 60 workers in plantations was surveyed by skin prick test ( SPT ), specific IgE of mites detection in serum .

  3. 经鉴定,福建省蘑菇疣孢霉病菌属菌盖疣孢霉Mycogoneperniciosa(Magn),初侵染源来自发病菇房蘑菇料,病区灌溉水也是一个传播途径。

    The pathogen causing wet bull of mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus ) in Fujian was identified as Mycogone perniciosa magn . The initial pathogen came from the spent material of mushroom house and could be transmitted by water .

  4. 本文从菇房设计、培养料堆制、栽培管理等方面详述姬松茸规范化生产的技术规程。

    Blazei from growing room design , composting , cultivation management etc.

  5. 菇房害鼠种群调查及综合控制技术研究

    The investigation of population and integrated control to rats in mushroom hothouse

  6. 智能菇房温湿度调控系统研究

    Study of Intelligent Supervising and Controlling System for Temperature and Humidity in Mushroom Plant

  7. 害鼠侵入菇房为害的时间、数量受气候影响较大。

    The time and quantity of rats invading mushroom hothouse to do harmare greatly affected by climate .

  8. 大多是在外界孳生,由平菇的香味吸引飞进菇房,产卵繁殖,食取平菇菌丝和子实体。

    Theinjurlous insects fly into the mushroom house , breed and eat the hypha and fruiting bodies .

  9. 结果表明:经过灯光诱杀处理过的菇房内平菇厉眼菌蚊发生数量比对照下降了35%,对该虫有一定的防治效果。

    The results showed : the quantities of group treated with light trap decreased 35 % , and that of the resistant cultivars decreased 30 % , compared with the control .

  10. 采收要及时,并要仔细地清除菇房、菇床上的病虫、死菇、菇脚等病虫源;

    The recovery must be prompt , and must carefully eliminate on the mushroom room , the mushroom bed disease-carrying insect , dies disease-carrying insect source and so on mushroom , mushroom foot ;

  11. 由于菇房气候环境控制系统是一个复杂的非线性系统,很难建立精确的数学模型,利用常规的控制算法得不到非常满意的控制效果,因此本次设计对控制算法进行了研究。

    Design and Application of Animal Shed Distributed Intelligent Climate Control System Fuzzy control arithmetic is appied in the mushroom house climate control system , which is complex non linear system and modeled difficultly with general method .
