
chāng pú
  • calamus(-mi);calamus;acorus calamus;flag;bulrush;sweet flag;sweet sedge
菖蒲 [chāng pú]
  • [sweet flag;calamus(-mi)] 水生植物,多年生草本,有香气,地下有根茎,可作香料,又可作健胃药,具长叶和辛辣味的主茎

菖蒲[chāng pú]
  1. 本文研究了在水培条件下美人蕉(Cannaindica)和菖蒲(Acoruscalamus)去除水体中有机磷农药三唑磷的作用。

    The abilities of Canna indica and Acorus calamus in removing organophosphate pesticides triazophos ( TAP ) from water were studied in hydroponics .

  2. 菖蒲根榨出的能致癌的油,用作香水。

    Carcinogenic oil from calamus root used as a perfume .

  3. 结论水菖蒲水煎液兴奋胃底、胃体肌条的作用部分由胆碱能M、N受体介导。

    Conclusions The excited effect of shuichangpu are mediated by choline M , N receptor .

  4. GC-MS建立石菖蒲挥发油特征指纹图谱方法学研究

    Study on GC-MS fingerprint analysis in rhizome of volatile oil of Acorus tatarinowii

  5. 石菖蒲挥发油的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS Analysis of Essential Oils from Acorus Tatarinowii Schott

  6. NaCl胁迫对花菖蒲叶片生长及几种生理指标的影响

    Effect of NaCl Stress on the Leaf Growth of Iris kaempferi and Its Several Physiological Indices

  7. GC-MS分析石菖蒲挥发油透大鼠血脑屏障的成分研究

    GC - MS Determination of Naphtha from Acorus tatarinowii Schott . in Rat Brain

  8. 由于石菖蒲主要含挥发油成分,故采用GC-MS检测其主要吸收成分。

    Using GC-MS , we detected the main absorbed compound in volatile oil from R. Acori .

  9. 方法采用GC-MS法对石菖蒲挥发油灌胃给药后进入大鼠脑组织中的挥发油成分进行分析。

    Methods : Naphtha in rat brain was analyzed by GC-MS after gastric infusion of naphtha .

  10. 采用GC-MS法对单味药远志、石菖蒲和对药远志-石菖蒲中的挥发油及脂溶性成分进行鉴定。

    The liposoluble components and volatile oil of RP , RAT and matched pair of them were identified by GC-MS.

  11. 目的:建立石菖蒲挥发油GCMS分析色谱条件,初步拟定挥发油指纹特征图谱指标成分群。

    Objective : To establish the method of fingerprint analysis on volatile oil in rhizome of Acorus tatarinowii by GC-MS , and to study the main characteristic components .

  12. 对KOH熔融法从石菖蒲挥发油(以下简称挥发油)制备α细辛醚的工艺过程进行了研究。

    The preparation of α asarone from volatile oil of grassleaf sweetflag rhizome via alkali fusion was investigated .

  13. 开心散中石菖蒲对人参皂苷成分Rg1、Re、Rb1吸收的影响

    The effect of Acorus gramineus in Kai-xin-san on the absorption of ginsenosides Rg1 , Re and Rb1

  14. 九节菖蒲石油醚、正丁醇和水提取部位无镇痛活性。(4)建立了九节菖蒲中琥珀酸含量的HPLC测定法。

    The petroleum ether , n-butanol and water extractive fractions had no analgesic activity . ( 4 ) An HPLC method for the determination of succinic acid in Irkutsk Anemone Rhizome was established .

  15. 其中,苯巴比妥钠组、石菖蒲组、α-细辛醚组Bcl-2阳性细胞数量增加较致痫对照组显著(P0.01);

    The number of Bcl-2 positive cells in phenobarbital sodium , A. gramineus , and α - asarone groups was more than that of epilepsy control group significantly ( P0.01 ) .

  16. 结果:石菖蒲提取物在多种实验中有改善学习记忆障碍的作用,并能降低乙酰胆碱酯酶活力,增强c-jun基因表达。

    Results : Fractions extracted from Acorus tatarinowii Schott could enhance intelligence in multi-tests , inhibit AchE activity , and promote of c-jun gene .

  17. [方法]模拟汤剂临床煎法将石菖蒲置陶器中煎煮2次并浓缩,采用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术直接进样对6批次水煎液及浓缩液进行分析比较。

    [ Methods ] RAT was decocted and concentrated in the pottery for two times and then 6 batches of the decoction and its concentrated decoction were analyzed by GC-MS .

  18. 高剂量石菖蒲能明显降低脑缺血大鼠脑含水量和MDA水平,抑制脑组织细胞凋亡,增加SOD含量及GSH-Px活性。

    High dosage of grassleaf sweetflag rhizome could remarkably decrease the water content of brain tissue and MDA level and inhibit the apoptosis of brain tissue cells while increase the activity of SOD and GSH-Px .

  19. 花菖蒲较适应中等营养条件,在一定范围内随营养元素的增加,其叶绿素含量、可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白含量和SOD活性均有不同程度升高,超过此范围,则出现下降趋势。

    Iris ensata var. hortens adapted the medium nutritional conditions . Its chlorophyll content , the soluble sugar content , the soluble protein content and the SOD activeness had elevated . Beyond the scope , these had declining trend .

  20. 结果:石菖蒲加12倍量水提取5h,可使挥发油基本馏出;

    Results : The volatile oil of Rhizome Acori Graminei could be basically extracted when it was extracted for 5 hours with 12 times of water .

  21. 干旱胁迫还对菖蒲植株的光响应曲线具有较大的影响,使最大ETR降低。

    Dramatic effects of drought stress on light curve of Sweet Flag were also observed , thus leading to the decrease of maximum ETR .

  22. 目的:探讨石菖蒲改善记忆作用的有效部位及其作用机理。方法:灌胃给药10天,每天2次,观察学习记忆行为实验以及脑乙酰胆碱脂酶、c-jun基因表达的变化。

    Methods : The drug was given by op for 10 days , two times a day , ethological tests of learning and memory , Acetylcholinesterase activity and c-jun gene expression were observed .

  23. 用6种有机溶剂提取菖蒲干粉中的抑藻活性物质,显示甲醇提取物的抑藻效果最好,48h抑藻率为98.4%。

    The active compounds from dry powder of Acorus calamus were extracted with six kinds of organic solvents , and methanol extract had the best inhibition effect on the alga , with inhibition rate of 98.4 % in 48h .

  24. 方法:用超临界CO2萃取法(SFECO2)提取石菖蒲挥发油,脑室内注射海人酸(KA)建立大鼠癫痫模型,观察经挥发油治疗后的癫痫大鼠海马氨基酸含量的变化。

    Method : The volatile oil was extracted through Supercritical-CO 2 Fluid Extraction ( SFE-CO 2 ), and epileptic models were built up by kainic acid ( KA ) lateral ventricle injection . The content of amino acid in hippocampus of epileptic rats treated with volatile oil was calculated .

  25. 通过试验得出:采用60cm×60cm的种植密度,施用农家肥作底肥,并于种植期间,每两个月每平方米追施50g的尿素,可获得最佳的石菖蒲人工栽培效果。

    The experimental results showed that adopting the planting density of 60 cm × 60 cm , using basal manure , and top dressing with 50g / m ~ ( 3 ) urea every two months , the optimum cultivation effect could be achieved .

  26. 九节菖蒲化学成份研究(Ⅱ)

    Studies on Chemical Constituent of Anemone Altaica C , A.May (ⅱ)

  27. 香菖蒲净油化学成分的研究

    A Study on Chemical Constituents of the Absolute Oil From Acorus Illicioides

  28. 在北美,一个共同的名字是菖蒲标志。

    In North America , a common name for irises is flags .

  29. 菖蒲从11月到12月仍在生长发育。

    From November to December , Acorus calamus was still in growth .

  30. 鸢尾和菖蒲不同器官对富营养化水体中氮磷的积累效应

    Nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation in Iris tectorum and Acorus calamus in eutrophic water