
  • 网络fleshy root;fleshy tap root
  1. 试验还探讨了肉质根留叶柄(3cm)和茎基全切、河沙基质和混合基质对软化栽培效果的影响。

    Effects of fleshy root with 3 cm-long leafstalks or without leaves , and sand medium or mixed medium on blanching culture without soil are also studied .

  2. 凉薯肉质根形态发育的解剖观察

    An anatomic observation of fleshy root morphogenesis of pachyrhizus erosus

  3. 胡萝卜茄红素β-环化酶cDNA的分离及其在肉质根中的差异表达

    Isolation of Lycopene β - Cyclase cDNA from Daucus carota and Its Differential Expression in Roots

  4. 就本研究而言,萝卜肉质根的各项品质性状在F1代以中亲值为主。

    According to this study , the qualitative traits of edible roots exhibited mainly mid-parent value .

  5. 叶绿素a和叶绿素b在肉质根刚开始形成的一段时间里含量高,随着肉质根的不断生长及颜色的不断加深,其含量逐渐降低,这与花青素及β-胡萝卜素的变化正好相反。

    Chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b in the beginning of the formation of succulent root of a period of time high , with fleshy roots continued growth and deepening the color of its content gradually decreased with the anthocyanin and β - carotene changes in just the opposite .

  6. 滴灌下萝卜肉质根中可溶性糖含量和维生素C含量比漫灌下萝卜肉质根内含量高。(5)不同灌溉方式对萝卜的叶水势日变化没有明显的影响。

    The contents of the soluble glucide and the vitamin C in the root of the radish under the condition of drip irrigation were higher than those under flood irrigation . ( 5 ) . Different treatments had no significant impact on the daytime changes of the leaf potential .

  7. 商品性好:肉质根红皮、粗圆筒形,单根重1kg左右;

    Best commercial requirements : Tap root wide-cylindric in shape , red in colour , with an average weight of about 1 kg .

  8. 主要研究结果为:1.利用高效液相色谱-质谱(HPLC-MS)联用法分离鉴定出萝卜种质中含有8种硫代葡萄糖苷,并对叶片和肉质根的硫苷组成和含量进行了分析。

    The main results were as follows : 1 . Eight individual GSs were isolated and identified by HPLC-MS from the radish germplasm , and the GSs composition and content in leaves and edible roots of radish were analyzed .

  9. 以上数据推断出,GMP可能在萝卜肉质根AsA累积中起着重要的作用。(3)比较了在光照处理下萝卜成熟叶、幼叶、根肉以及根皮4个部位中AsA含量的变化。

    The data suggested that GMP could play an important role in the regulation of ascorbate accumulation during radish fleshy taproot development . ( 3 ) Compared the AsA contents of mature leaves , young leaves , root flesh and skin of radish under light treatment .

  10. 萝卜肉质根产量与主要性状的相关及通径分析

    Genetic Correlation and Path Analysis of Major Agronomic Characters of Radish

  11. 红心萝卜肉质根色素含量的测定

    Measuring of pigment content of succulent root in red-core radish

  12. 根菜类蔬菜肉质根形成生理研究进展

    Advance of physiology of tap root formation of root vegetables

  13. 春秋季萝卜生长中肉质根木质素含量变化研究

    Dynamic changes of lignin in the root of radish during its growth

  14. 苏铁属植物的根系类型及肉质根的解剖研究

    Studies on Root System and Fleshy Root Structure of Cycas

  15. 我不习惯吃辛辣的食物。可食用的辛辣肉质根。

    I 'm not used to eating spicy food . pungent fleshy edible root .

  16. 进一步分析萝卜肉质根膨大过程中叶片和肉质根中可溶性蛋白质组分变化表明,叶片中的蛋白质图谱条带比较丰富,条带的强度也高于肉质根的蛋白质图谱。

    The intensities of protein bands in the leaves were stronger than those in storage root .

  17. 休眠期肉质根中碳素营养的积累达到了全年的最高水平。

    The accumulation of carbon assimilates in the fleshy roots was maximum during the dormant period .

  18. 菊苣氮钾施用量和肉质根无土软化栽培方式

    On N , K Fertilizer Application Amount on Chicory and Soilless and Blanching Culture of Fleshy Root

  19. 萝卜肉质根径粗及单重05-25~06-04时间段增长量最大。

    The diameter and single weigth of radish pulp root increased most rapidly from 05-25 to 06-04 .

  20. 营养贮存和秋苗期,同化产物输出部分主要向肉质根中分配。

    At the stage of nutrient storage , the assimilates were mainly transported to the fleshy roots .

  21. 注意播种密度不要过大,均匀灌水及适期采收,否则会引起肉质根生长不良。

    Attention : unproper sowing space and irrigation will lead to abnormal root shape , timly harvesting is important .

  22. 而光敏感型的津田芜菁肉质根周皮中,只有光处理有大量花青素合成,暗处理几乎无花青素合成。

    There was almost no anthocyanin synthesized in light-interrupted cortex tissue of tuberous root of light-independent ' Tsuda ' turnip .

  23. 结果:①牛蒡根鲜品为肉质根圆柱型,皮黑褐色,有皱纹。

    Result : ① Fresh arctium lappa root is fleshy root in circular cylinder shape with brown skin and wrinkle .

  24. 有绿色小花和红色小果实及肉质根的泻根;欧洲;北非;西亚。

    Bryony having fleshy roots pale green flowers and very small red berries ; Europe ; North Africa ; western Asia .

  25. 萝卜的主要产品器官是肉质根,其发育的好坏直接关系到萝卜的品质和产量。

    Fleshy tap root is the main edible part and its development is much related to the yield and quality in radish .

  26. 肉质根开始迅速膨大时,出现第2个氮素吸收高峰(5月27日~5月31日)。

    When succulent root began to inflate rapidly , the second peak of nitrogen absorption appeared ( May 27 to May 31 ) .

  27. 优质:肉质根致密、味甜不辣,营养成分均高于对照品种;

    Excellent quality : Flesh firm , sweet , and without hot taste , and nutrients higher than those of the check cultivar .

  28. 萝卜的食用部位是其肉质根,营养丰富,含有丰富的钾、碳水化合物、叶酸以及抗坏血酸等多种营养物质。

    The fleshy taproot comprises the edible portion of the plant , and is rich in potassium , carbohydrate , folic acid and ascorbic acid .

  29. 增产的主要原因是生育期提前,出苗率提高,抽薹率下降,肉质根膨大期处于适宜的生长季节。

    The higher yield resulted from earlier development , higher germination rate , decreased bolting percentage , and fleshy root expanding in the optimum stage .

  30. 表明三个萝卜品种的叶片和肉质根的硫苷组分相同,但含量存在显著差异。

    The results showed that the composition in leaves and edible roots of three radishes were identical , but there were significant differences in content . 2 .