  • wild rice;mushroom
  • 多年生草本植物,生在浅水里,嫩茎称“茭白”、“蒋”,可做蔬菜。果实称“菰米”,“雕胡米”,可煮食。

  • 同“菇”。

  1. 本试验选用菰(Zizania)作供体,栽培水稻品种为受体,采用花粉管通道法进行DNA转移的研究。

    DNA transfer was studied using pollen tube passage method with wild rice ( Zizania ) as donor and rice ( O. Sativa ) as recipient .

  2. 试验研究了菰叶片光合作用温度特性。

    Leaf photosynthetic temperature characteristics of wild rice were studied .

  3. 菰对南洞庭湖湿地土壤中Cu、Sb、Cd、Pb的吸收与富集

    Absorption and Accumulation of Cu , Sb , Cd , Pb in wetland soils by Zizania latifolia From the South Dongting Lake

  4. 我们实验室早期的工作发现,将菰的基因组DNA导入水稻能够诱发水稻基因组产生表观遗传变异,包括DNA甲基化变异和反转座子的激活。

    We have reported that Zizania latifolia DNA introgression could induce epigenetic changes of the rice genome , including DNA methylation changes and activation of both copia-like and gypsy-like retrotransposons of rice .

  5. 水稻与菰杂交后代稳定品系的过氧化物酶同工酶分析中国两性生殖卤虫种群PO同工酶基因的表达特征

    Peroxidase isozymic electrophoregrams of rice stabilizing lines from finial generation between rice and water rice Expression Characterizations of Peroxidase Isozymic Genes of Artemia Populations from China

  6. 菰(ZizanialatifoliaGriseb.)中NBS-LRR类抗病基因同源序列的克隆及其在渐渗杂交系中的遗传和表观遗传变异分析

    Cloning of NBS-LRR Type RGAs from Zizania Latifolia ( Griseb . ) and Their Genetic and Epigenetic Changes in the Introgression Lines

  7. 用3种含野菰叶粉颗粒饲料在网箱中经126天饲养,每亩平均鱼产量达到了15000kg。

    An average fish yield of 23.7 kg / m was obtained by feeding the three diets for 126 days in cage-culture . The leaf of Z.

  8. 筒鞘蛇菰提取物及松柏苷的抗氧化作用研究

    Study of Anti-oxidation Effects of Extracts of Balanophora Involucrate and Trans-Coniferin

  9. 中国菰米的营养成分及其蛋白质特性的研究

    Study on nutrition composition and protein quality of a Chinese wild rice

  10. 菰和菖蒲对重金属的胁迫反应及其富集能力

    Stress responses and bioaccumulation of heavy metals by Zizania latifolia and Acorus calamus

  11. 菰米的营养成分分析

    Analysis of Nutritional Composition of Chinese Wild Rice

  12. 菰和菖蒲对富营养化水体净化效率的比较

    Comparative studies on purification efficiency of Zizania latifolia and Acorus calamus in eutrophic water

  13. 目的探讨菰米对高脂膳食诱导脂代谢紊乱大鼠血脂及炎性因子水平的调控作用。

    Objective To study the effect of Chinese wild rice diet on lipid metabolism in rats .

  14. 我国菰米对高脂膳食大鼠血脂及炎性因子的影响

    Effect of Chinese wild rice on lipid metabolism and inflammatory factors in rats fed with high cholesterol diets

  15. 结果表明,莲叶和菰叶分解最快,其干重损失率分别为96.5%和96.6%;

    Nucifera and Z. latifolia decomposed most quickly with dry weight loses of 96.5 % and 96.6 % respectively ;

  16. 野菰叶粉代替粮食原料饲养草食性鱼效益评价

    Evaluation of the leaf of Zizania latifolia as a substitute for cereal stuff in practical diets for herbivorous fishes

  17. 结果筒鞘蛇菰甲醇提取物的正丁醇部位能显著提高小鼠热刺激的痛阀;且对小鼠醋酸扭体反应具有显著的抑制作用。

    Results Then-BuOH fraction in methyl alcohol extract could significantly prolong the latencies of paw licking and decrease mice writhing .

  18. 甲基化分析表明,反转座酶序列在菰中有不同程度的甲基化,但在水稻中均为高度甲基化。

    Methylation analysis showed there were different levels of methylation in Zizania latifolia , but high level of methylation in rice .

  19. 方法采用小鼠热板法和醋酸扭体法,筛选筒鞘蛇菰的镇痛有效部位。

    Methods Hot plate and acetic acid writhing test in mice were used to evaluate the pain releasing effect of Balanophora involucrata .

  20. 加入野菰叶粉,饲料中粗脂肪含量略为降低,但粗蛋白含量不变。

    The addition of Z. latifolia slightly reduced the crude fat content , but did not affect the protein content of the diets .

  21. 菰群落垂直结构简单,多数情况下仅存在一个挺水植被层。

    The vertical structure was also analysed , usually only one vegetation stratum ( emergent ) could be distinguished in most area of the community .

  22. 女士们躲得远远的,还把菰米和“无与伦比的T骨牛扒和软壳蟹”给挑出来,但是她们感到害怕是对的。

    The ladies went anyway and managed to suss out wild rice and " unrivalled T-steaks and soft-shell crabs ," but they were right to be afraid .

  23. 他们说,每公斤野菰可以卖到24至40美元,每公斤树莓卖给餐馆,可以有16美元的净利。

    They said wild mushrooms can fetch $ 24 to $ 40 per kilo . A kilo of huckleberries can net $ 16 in the restaurant trade .

  24. 菰和菖蒲地下部分重金属含量均高于地上部分含量,二者根系对4种重金属都有较强的滞留效应,平均滞留率均大于50%。

    There was a substantial retention function for roots of the two species to heavy metals , and their average retention rates were all greater than 50 % .

  25. 茭白产品器官是茭白植株受菰黑粉菌侵染膨大后形成的肉质茎。

    The product organ of water bamboo ( Zizania latifolia Turcz . ) is the enlarged flesh stem infected and caused by water bamboo smut fungus ( Ustilago esculenta P.

  26. 中浓度污水中菰的生物量显著高于低浓度和高浓度,中浓度污水中菖蒲的生物量略高于低浓度和高浓度,但差异不显著。

    Biomass of A. calamus in the medium concentrated sewage was a little more than in the low and high concentrated sewage , but no significant differences were shown among them .

  27. 后因人口增加,适于菰草生长的生境遭到破坏,葑田的利用渐趋消失,南方一些地方改用芦苇编制成筏,用来种植蕹菜(空心菜),沿用至今。

    Because of a rapid increase of population in South China thereafter , the habitat that zizania grown had broken-down quickly by openning up cultivated land along the edge of lakes and rivers .

  28. 利用Tyl/copia-like类反转录转座子转座酶的保守区域设计引物,从菰基因组中扩增得到了反转录酶基因片段序列。

    Ty1 / copia-like sequences were amplified from Zizania latifolia ( Griseb ) genomic DNA , by PCR with degenerate oligonucleotide primers corresponding to highly conserved domains in the Ty1 / copia-like retrotransposons .

  29. 菰植物的根、茎、叶、果都有多种用途和功能,具有很高的经济价值,亟待科学、合理、综合地开发利用。

    The root , stem , leaf and caryopsis of the plant have multi functions and ways of use with high economic value , awaiting to be developed and utilized in a scientific , rational and comprehensive way .

  30. 在一道含菰米和比目鱼的菜品中,龙虾是酱汁的主料,配酸橙蒜泥蛋黄酱的薄薯片中也是以龙虾为原料的。

    Lobster is on the menu in a pappardelle , chorizo and mussels dish ; in a salad with winter squash ; as a base for sauce on a flounder , a wild rice dish ; and incorporated into an airy chip served with lime aioli .