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  • Ferragamo;Salvatore Ferragamo;S.Ferragamo
  1. 菲拉格慕(SalvatoreFerragamo)的褶皱是极简主义,并受到军装风格影响。

    Pleats came minimalist and military-inflected at Salvatore Ferragamo .

  2. 去年,时尚品牌的几次IPO也是颇为成功,普拉达、迈克柯尔斯以及菲拉格慕的股价分别较发行价上涨了21%、108%与86%。

    Fashion IPOs in the past year have been largely successful , with Prada gaining 21 per cent over its offer price , Michael Kors gained 108 per cent and Salvatore Ferragamo 86 per cent .

  3. 安•庞阿尔曾效力于奢侈品集团菲拉格慕(Ferragamo),担任负责英国业务的国家经理一职。

    Mrs Panhard was working for luxury goods group Ferragamo where she was country manager of UK operations .

  4. 在这条街道的南端,一间宏伟的中世纪宫殿里,有一间1937年开业的萨瓦托·菲拉格慕(SalvatoreFerragamo)旗舰店。

    At the southern end of the street , in a grand medieval palazzo , is the flagship store that Salvatore Ferragamo opened in 1937 .

  5. 与此同时,奢侈品集团菲拉格慕(salvatoreferragamo)也计划本月晚些时候在上海举行一场时装秀,庆祝公司成立80周年。

    Meanwhile Salvatore Ferragamo , the luxury goods group , plans to celebrate its 80th anniversary with a fashion show in Shanghai later this month .

  6. 如今,这座石砌建筑内还开设了一间菲拉格慕博物馆(FerragamoMuseo),用来记录这位制鞋匠的一生——他曾为玛丽莲·梦露(MarilynMonroe)等诸多好莱坞明星创作了引领潮流的新设计。

    Today the stone edifice also houses the Ferragamo Museo , which documents the life of the shoemaker who created trendsetting designs for Hollywood stars like Marilyn Monroe .

  7. 和桑德罗的超大款一样,菲拉格慕(SalvatoreFerragamo)、爱马仕(Hermès)和Lemaire也推出了大同小异的、帅气的帐篷状结构风衣。

    Like the oversize version from Sandro , others by Salvatore Ferragamo , Herm è s and Lemaire offer similarly beautiful , tentlike constructions .

  8. 我幻想着也许会有那么一天,一双二手的千鸟格高跟鞋将会出现在我最喜欢的古着店玛丽安托瓦内特(MarieAntoinette)店内——这家古着店于一年半前开业,就坐落在菲拉格慕后面的一条小巷内。

    I imagine a secondhand pair might one day turn up at my favorite vintage store , Marie Antoinette , which opened a year and a half ago in an alley behind Ferragamo .

  9. 我父母来参加我的毕业典礼,但我想他们其实是想来购物。他冲他妈妈点了点头,他妈妈正得意地提着两袋菲拉格慕(SalvatoreFerragamo)的鞋子。

    My parents came over for my graduation , but really , I think they wanted to go shopping , he says , nodding to his mother , who is proudly carrying two bags of Salvatore Ferragamo shoes .

  10. 菲拉格慕在全球共经营着480家门店。

    Ferragamo operates 480 stores across the world .

  11. 而我的“司汤达时刻”则出现在菲拉格慕。

    But my Stendhal moment struck at Ferragamo .

  12. 诺维克去了解情况,原来,菲拉格慕的办公室发生了煤气爆炸,而他在事故中丧生。

    Novick learns that there was a gas explosion from which Ferragamo did not survive .

  13. 为了吸引这些新的消费者,菲拉格慕调整了鞋子尺寸,并设计出色彩鲜艳的服装,以迎合这些中国消费者的喜好。

    To appeal to these new consumers , Ferragamo has adapted shoe sizes and created brightly coloured clothes to suit Chinese tastes .

  14. 即便不是菲拉格慕的牌子,在经过多年的日常穿用之后,意大利的皮革都会变得越来越耐看。

    It may not be Ferragamo , but after years of wear from daily use , the Italian leather has never looked better .

  15. 通过向当地一些企业发放特许经营权,菲拉格慕为一些大陆商店取得了经营牌照。诺尔萨表示,这些当地集团有时候更加容易获得较好的房地产。

    Ferragamo licenses some of its mainland stores through franchises with local groups that , he says , sometimes have easier access to good real estate .

  16. 诺尔萨承认,他的中国战略要想获得成功,除了商店选址,菲拉格慕必须克服其它一系列挑战。

    As well as finding store locations , he accepts Ferragamo will have to overcome a number of challenges if its China strategy is to succeed .

  17. 现在菲拉格慕已经公开上市(6月份公司举行了期待已久的首次公开发行),作为品牌连续性的象征,詹姆斯的地位应继续上升。

    Now Ferragamo is publicly listed ( it held its long-anticipated public offering in June ) , his status as a symbol of continuity should rise .

  18. 许多商店证实了昆明的财富:古琦,纪梵希,菲拉格慕以及其他奢侈品牌在青年路两旁一字排开。

    Many of the stores attest to Kunming 's wealth : Gucci , Givenchy , Ferragamo and other luxury brands line up alongside each other on Qingnian Street .

  19. 时报已经争取到卡地亚、菲拉格慕等国际知名品牌的赞助,并表示有信心吸引其他公司与其合作。

    The firm has already got international brands such as Cartier and Salvatore Ferragamo to sign up to advertise with it and said that it was confident of attracting other companies .

  20. 为了向顾客提供更好的服务,路易威登和菲拉格慕的门店都有专人负责向顾客讲述公司的历史,以及与各自品牌相关的故事。

    To improve their offerings , both Louis Vuitton and Ferragamo have been assigning specialists in their stores to tell customers about the history of the companies and the folklore surrounding the brands .