
  • 网络Nutrition and Dietetics
  1. 营养和饮食学会的怀特指出,由于男性的肌肉量一般比女性多,他们的基础代谢率也就更高,这表示他们在静止状态下会消耗更多热量。

    Mr. White , of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , says that because men tend to have greater muscle mass than women they also have a higher basal metabolic rate , which means they burn more calories at rest .

  2. 行业协会营养和饮食学会(AcademyofNutritionandDietetics)的男性营养师吉姆•怀特(JimWhite)指出,生物学特质也是一个影响因素&男性往往能更快减轻体重,或许还会比女性更容易坚持节食。

    Biology also plays a role : Men tend to lose weight more quickly and might find it easier than women to stick to a diet , says Jim White , a men 's nutrition specialist with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , a professional association .

  3. 此期适当的休息、合理的营养和饮食及保肝药的合理使用,是所有急性病毒性肝炎的共同疗法。

    This period of proper rest and reasonable nutrition and diet and the liver of the rational use of drugs is common to all acute viral hepatitis therapy .

  4. 小学生营养知识和饮食行为问题分析

    A survey of nutritional knowledge , attitude and dietary behaviors among pupils

  5. 家长的营养知识和饮食习惯对小学生饮食习惯的影响

    Influence of Nutrition Knowledge and Eating Habits of Parents on Pupils ' Eating Habits

  6. 营养学家和饮食学家能够通过使用食物成分表详细分析个人的饮食。

    Nutritionists and dietitians can analyze a person 's diet in detail by using tables of food composition .

  7. 同时提示营养宣教和饮食习惯的干预是解决我国儿童缺钙的有效途径之一。

    It was suggested that intensive nutritional education and dietary habit intervention are the basic solutions to improving calcium intake of Chinese children .

  8. 利用问卷调查等方法对高校体育专业大学生营养状况和饮食行为进行评估。

    Through using the method of questionnaire investigation , this paper made comprehensive evaluation on nutrition condition and dietetic behavior of college students majoring in physical education .

  9. 结论引导居民合理膳食。应针对缺乏合理膳食营养和不良饮食习惯等问题,研究制定有效的健康促进、干预措施。

    Conclusion To help residents eat sensible diets . In view of those possible causes such as unhealthy nutrition , bad dietary habit , effective measures of health promotion and intervention are studied and formulated .

  10. 这些每隔五年由华盛顿发布的指南得到了数以百万计的注重饮食者的追捧,并视其为营养模板和饮食圣经,毫无疑问,众多在节假日里胡吃海喝,而后又在新年伊始许愿一定要减肥的人也在其中。

    They form a nutrition template that Washington issues every five years and is a bible for millions of the diet-conscious , whose numbers undoubtedly include many who overindulged during the holidays and entered the new year with a pledge to shed pounds .

  11. 使用特殊的营养和良好的饮食是最好的方式来处理标志性痴呆。

    Using special nutrients and a good diet is the best way to deal with signs of dementia .

  12. 非医学生营养知识、态度和饮食行为调查

    Investigation of the nutrition knowledge , attitudes and dietary behavior in non-medical students

  13. 晚孕妇女营养知识、态度和饮食行为调查分析

    Survey and analysis on nutritional knowledge , attitude and dietary practice for late pregnant women

  14. 市区小学生家长与乡镇小学生家长间营养知识知晓率和饮食习惯无显著差异。

    There was not a significant difference in nutrition knowledge and eating habits between the parents of city proper and the parents of the county town .

  15. 结论为促进护理专业学生适应社会的需求及提高学生的身体素质,应加强护理专业学生营养知识健康教育和饮食行为的正确引导。

    Conclusion It is very necessary to strengthen the nutritional education and the healthy dietary behaviors in nursing students , to make the nursing students to meet the demand of society .

  16. 利用问卷调查等方法,对山西省大学生营养状况、营养知识和饮食行为进行调查。

    Evaluating nutritional status and diet behavior of university students in ShanXi Province using the questionnaire survey .

  17. 目的了解《营养学》课程对护理专业学生的营养知识、营养态度和个人饮食行为的影响,为护理专业学生的营养健康教育提供依据。

    Objective To study the effect of nutriology courses on nutritional knowledge , attitude and individual dieting behaviors of nursing students and to provide reference and guidance for nutritional health education .

  18. 针对中小学生的营养问题,分析了其产生的原因,依据《中国居民膳食指南》的原则,提出了如何建立中小学生合理营养结构和培养良好饮食习惯的几点建议

    In the view of nutritional problem of school children , The causes of nutritional problems were expounded on the basis of the principle of 《 Chinese People Food and Drink Guidebook 》 and put forward some proposals on how to establish rationally nutritional structure and foster good dietic customs