
yíng lěi
  • camp;barracks and the enclosing walls
营垒 [yíng lěi]
  • (1) [barracks and the enclosing walls]∶军营和四周的围墙、防御建筑物等设施

  • (2) [camp]∶阵营

  • 革命营垒

营垒[yíng lěi]
  1. 战争期间,他好像在某个时候转投向对方营垒过。

    At some point during the war he seems to have changed sides .

  2. 经过一场短兵相接的激烈战斗,所有敌军营垒被摧毁了。

    After bitter hand-to-hand combat , the enemy military camps were entirely destroyed .

  3. 这些说明敌人营垒已出现了分裂。

    These indicated that splits had occurred in the enemy camp .

  4. 他们已逐渐被卷入这一不对立营垒。

    They have gradually been sucked into this nexus of non-opposition .

  5. 他们深入这些地区在敌人营垒内部开展活动。

    They penetrated into these areas and operated inside the enemy camp .

  6. 他受到革命营垒里各方面的谴责。

    He was denounced in all the highways and byways of the revolution .

  7. 而联合在把他们分裂为营垒的斗争中;

    United in the strife which divided them ;

  8. 这对于孤立反动营垒,是非常有效的。

    It is a very effective way of isolating the hard core of reaction .

  9. 现在我们来说中国民族革命营垒里的情形。

    Now let us discuss the situation in the camp of China 's national revolution .

  10. 那旧营垒的西边,人们说:那是三国时周郎大破曹兵的赤壁。

    Here General Zhou won his early fame when the Three Kingdoms were all aflame .

  11. 对于反动营垒中可能分化出来的人物,要争取他们,教育他们,帮助他们。

    Those who can be split off from the enemy camp should be won over , educated and helped .

  12. 马占山在东三省的抗日行为,也是统治者营垒中的一个分裂。

    The Anti-Japanese operations of Ma Chan-Shan in the three northeastern provinces represented another split in the ruling class camp .

  13. 但是一个问题肯定已经解决&要想打赢反恐战争,我们就必须把战火烧到敌人营垒中。

    Yet one question has surely been settled-that to win the war on terror we must take the fight to the enemy .

  14. 一对同胞兄弟站在敌对营垒相互斗争的故事给我留下了不可磨灭的印像。

    One story that has clung to my memory concerns two brothers who fought each other on opposite sides of the lines .

  15. 他们和土豪劣绅是死对头,他们毫不迟疑地向土豪劣绅营垒进攻。

    They are deadly enemies of the camp of the local tyrants and evil gentry and attack it without the slightest hesitation .

  16. 随着外国资本主义侵略的日益加深,马建忠逐渐从洋务派的营垒中分离出来,成为早期改良派的代表人物。

    With the increasing invasion of foreign capitalism , Ma Jian-zhong converted gradually from the western affairs party into one representative of earlier reformers .

  17. 正因为如此,在中国儿童文学的创作和理论营垒中,教育学派是一个重要组成部分。

    Just for this , in the barracks of creation and theory of Chinese children literature , educational school of thought is an important part .

  18. 我们要把敌人营垒中间的一切争斗、缺口、矛盾,统统收集起来,作为反对当前主要敌人之用。

    We must turn to good account all such fights , rifts and contradictions in the enemy camp and turn them against our present main enemy .

  19. 这两种民营出版群体在民国不断繁荣发展,最终在济南形成了五个大的书店,两个营垒对峙①的繁荣局面。

    Two private publishing groups continuous prosperity and development , and ultimately the formation of the five major bookstores in Jinan , the prosperity of the two camps confrontation .

  20. 惟独你所知道不是结果子的树木可以毁坏,砍伐,用以修筑营垒,攻击那与你打仗的城,直到攻塌了。

    However , you may cut down trees that you know are not fruit trees and use them to build siege works until the city at war with you falls .

  21. 老公爵、布里安小姐、建筑师属于一个营垒,公爵小姐玛丽亚、德萨尔、尼左卢什卡、所有的保姆和乳母属于另一个营垒。

    To one camp belonged the old prince , Mademoiselle Bourienne , and the architect ; to the other & Princess Marya , Dessalle , Nikolushka , and all the nurses .

  22. 1912~1913年的广东教育界,存在着新旧知识阶层两大营垒和中西方两种文化教育的力量。

    Abstract Between 1912 and 1913 , in the Guangdong educational circle , there existed the old and new intellectual groups and the forces in favor of Chinese and Western styles of education respectively .

  23. 我攻破撒但进占我身体的营垒,我愿将我的身体献给你,并且承认我的身体是你圣灵的殿,我因你的慈爱和良善而欢欣。

    I smash the strongholds of Satan formed against my body today , and I give my body to You , recognizing that I am Your temple ; and I rejoice in Your mercy and Your goodness .

  24. 这一胜利,给了敌人以严重打击,在整个敌人营垒中引起了极端深刻的失败情绪,兴奋了全国人民,奠定了我军歼灭全部敌军、争取最后胜利的基础。

    It dealt the enemy a heavy blow , created profound defeatism in the whole enemy camp , elated the people throughout the country and laid the foundation for the complete annihilation of the enemy by our army and for final victory .

  25. 不管是前期还是后期,列宁都强调在外交活动中应该充分利用国际上的矛盾尤其帝国主义营垒内部矛盾,去分化和瓦解敌人对付社会主义政权的联合阵线,争取持久的国际和平。

    No matter in the earlier or later period , Lenin emphasized that international contradictions , especially those within imperialism should be made good use of to divide and demoralize their line of battle against socialist regime , and to strive line of lasting world peace .