
  • 网络Hau Lung-bin;Hau Lung-pin;Mayor Hau Lung-bin
  1. 张志军刚刚结束了突破性的访台之行,他对郝龙斌表示,内地渴望继续同台湾加强联系。

    Zhang Zhijun , who has just returned from a ground-breaking trip to Taiwan , has told Hao Lung-bin the mainland side is eager to continue forging stronger ties with Taiwan .

  2. 至于「助长房价」的疑虑,郝龙斌认为,短期可能因民众对中低建物都市更新有期待,而使适用这项专案计画的房地产增值;

    As for the suspicion that the plan will raise housing prices , Hau said prices of low-and median-level housing could rise in the short term in areas the public thinks are suitable for renewal .