
  • 网络Star River;Beijing Star River
  1. 同时,另一家总部设在广州的地产开发商星河湾(StarRiver)已聘用瑞银(UBS)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)处理上市事宜,预计将筹集至多10亿美元的资金。

    Meanwhile , Star River , another Guangzhou-based property developer , has appointed UBS and Morgan Stanley to manage a listing expected to raise up to $ 1bn .

  2. 这是星河湾外面的河。

    This is the river right outside of the STAR RIVER .

  3. 星河湾,一个心情盛开的地方。

    Star river , a place where you would be in a great mood .

  4. 演进中的居住区概念及其建设模式&解读北京星河湾

    Evolving Concept of Residential Quarter and Relevant Construction Mode : Explanation of Beijing Star River

  5. 星河湾公寓融合五星级酒店的服务标准操作,为您提供各项个性化的服务。

    The Star River Hotel & Apartment provides guests personalized service to meet international standard .

  6. 文章详细介绍广州星河湾居住小区的设计理念及规划设计特点。

    The Article introduces the design concept and the characteristics of planning and design of Guangzhou Star River Residential Quarter in details .

  7. 伫立凝望,星河湾唱响之“魅力山西”即将于此拉开帷幕,粉墨登场。

    Standing and gazing at it , I acclaim how spectacular it is to see Charming Shanxi to unveil at Star River .

  8. 周边配套包括:祈福新村、星河湾、雅居乐花园等十几个优质居住区;

    Series of the corresponding area include more than decade of high-quality inhabitancy area such as the Clifford Estates , Star River Garden and Agile Garden and etc.

  9. 星河湾?星座样板房的建筑与装修统一设计,浑然天成,很多人看完后觉得对其哪怕一点的修改都嫌多余。

    Xinghewan , constellation unified model of the Housing construction and renovation design , look Tiancheng , many people feel that after reading their point changes are even suspected of excess .

  10. 本文结合星河湾地产开发建设中的成功运营管理案例,对星河湾在设计管理精细化、施工管理精细化、物业管理精细化、成本管理精细化五方面进行分析。

    Star River real estate development and construction of this paper , the successful operation and management in the case of Star River management in the design of fine , fine construction management , fine property management , fine cost management analysis of five aspects .