
  • 网络business environment;business climate;Environment of Business
  1. 持续打造市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境

    Make sustained efforts to create a market-oriented , law-based , and internationalized business environment .

  2. 国家发展改革委副主任宁吉喆表示,国家将进一步优化外资营商环境,推行一系列政策,包括缩减外资准入负面清单,鼓励外资参与中国制造业高质量发展。

    Ning Jizhe , deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission , said that the country would further improve the business environment for foreign investment , implementing and incentivizing overseas investors in participating in the high-quality development of its manufacturing industry .

  3. 全国知识产权局局长会议1月6日在北京举行,会议指出,2019年,知识产权高质量发展取得新成效,知识产权塑造良好营商环境和创新环境取得新进展。

    China has made a series of achievements over the past year to create a friendly environment for business , innovation and high-quality intellectual property development , according to a meeting of the heads of intellectual property rights ( IPR ) administrations on Monday in Beijing .

  4. 中国将继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,坚定不移扩大改革开放,放宽市场准入,持续优化营商环境,积极扩大进口,扩大对外投资,为世界经济稳定作出贡献。

    China will continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and prudent6 monetary7 policy . We will continue to advance reform and opening-up , widen market access , improve the business environment , and expand imports and outbound investment to contribute to a stable world economy .

  5. 让我们看看世界银行(WorldBank)和国际金融公司(InternationalFinanceCorporation)发布的年度《全球营商环境报告》(DoingBusiness)显示出的证据吧。

    Consider the evidence from the annual ' Doing Business ' reports from the World Bank and International Finance Corporation .

  6. 世界银行(TheWorldBank)2014年《营商环境报告》(DoingBusiness,对全球经济体经商便利度的最新年度评估)又一次将索马里“忽略”。

    The world bank 2014 doing business report the latest annual assessment of the ease of doing business in economies around the world once again skips Somalia entirely .

  7. 世界银行(worldbank)最新的《营商环境报告》显示,意大利在全球排名第87位,在过去一年期间又下降了4位,甚至还比不上蒙古和赞比亚。

    Even Mongolia and Zambia ranked higher in the latest World Bank " ease of doing business survey " which placed Italy 87th in its global ranking , down another four notches over the past year .

  8. 但在世行最新《营商环境报告》(DoingBusiness)中,该行提出了一个对许多国家——以及它们的半数国民——而言重要的问题:为什么女人做生意比男人难得多?

    But in its latest Doing Business report , the bank offers what for many countries - and half their population - is an important question : why is it so much harder for women to do business than men ?

  9. 俄罗斯、中国、印度和巴西都得到了世行昨日发布的《营商环境报告》(DoingBusiness)的信心投票,在该行经常引起争议的年度榜单上排名小幅上升,这在一定程度上得益于排名评估方法的变化。

    Russia , China , India and Brazil were given a vote of confidence in the World Bank 's " Doing Business " report yesterday , creeping up the bank 's often controversial annual rankings , in part thanks to a change in methodology .

  10. 香港的采购经理人指数(PMI)显示,上月私人部门活动创下3年来最大跌幅。该指数由汇丰(HSBC)发布,是针对营商环境的调查结果。

    Hong Kong 's purchasing managers ' index - a survey of business conditions released by HSBC - showed that private sector activity last month dropped at its fastest pace in three years .

  11. 另外,电力设备制造商特变电工(TBEA)也在营商环境较好的古吉拉特邦设立工厂。

    TBEA , a power equipment manufacturer , is also setting up a plant in the business-friendly state of Gujarat .

  12. 印度被排在第130位,比去年上升12位。该国总理纳伦德拉莫迪(NarendraModi)已将提升营商环境排名列为他的政府的一个目标。

    India , whose prime minister , Narendra Modi , has made moving up the rankings a goal for his government , came 130th - up 12 places on last year .

  13. 虽然纳伦德拉.莫迪(NarendraModi)政府已把本国的营商环境排名放在改革努力的核心位置,但印度的表现并未出现太大起色,排在第130名,仅有略微提升。

    India , where the government of Mahendra Modi has put its Doing Business ranking at the heart of reform efforts , did not budge in the rankings , coming in 130th and improving its score only marginally .

  14. 但他警告称,中国的营商环境并非一片坦途。

    But he warns that the Chinese business environment is not plain sailing .

  15. 萨钦将肩负起试图影响整体营商环境的责任。

    Trying to influence the broader clim-ate for the business will be Sachin 's responsibility .

  16. 我们会加倍努力改善营商环境,精简程序和改进规管。

    We will step up efforts to improve the business environment , simplify procedures and improve regulations .

  17. 据了解,这是海淀区政府的宣传移动的整体营商环境。

    It is understood that this is the Haidian District government propaganda move the overall business environment .

  18. 海关部门表示,中国将进一步改善外贸和外商投资企业的营商环境。

    Customs authorities say China will further improve the business environment for foreign trade and foreign-funded enterprises .

  19. 总理表示,还应努力打造市场化法治化国际化营商环境。

    The premier says efforts should also go into creating a market-oriented , law-based , and internationalized business environment .

  20. 《全球营商环境报告》中的统计数字向人们展现的景象,有时与外国投资和经济增长数据所描绘的景象并不一致。

    Doing Business statistics sometimes show a different picture to that painted by statistics on foreign investment and economic growth .

  21. 第五,在基础设施和营商环境较差的地方,将活动聚集在经济特区或工业园区。

    Fifth , where infrastructure and business environments are poor , concentrate activities in special economic zones or industrial parks .

  22. 公司经理人一直抱怨营商环境的高度不确定性,把它视为低投资的主要原因。

    Company managers have long blamed the high uncertainty in the business environment as the main reason for low investment .

  23. 今年的排名变动凸显了批评者眼中的营商环境排名的核心问题。

    This year 's moves highlight what critics have long seen as a central problem of the Doing Business rankings .

  24. 《全球营商环境报告》开始被用于学术研究中,可能会温和地激励变革。

    Doing Business is beginning to be incorporated in academic research and it is probably a modest spur to reform efforts .

  25. 他呼吁新西兰为在新西兰的中国企业提供开放、公平、无歧视的营商环境。

    He called on New Zealand to provide an open , fair and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese enterprises in the country .

  26. 报告显示,80%的中国初创企业家认为2018年的营商环境比去年要好。

    It shows that 80 % of Chinese entrepreneurs think this year 's business conditions will be better than those of last year .

  27. 面对营商环境不断改变,黄志达不讳言无时无刻均面对作为设计师与经营者之间的矛盾。

    Facing the ever-changing business environment , Ricky said that he always had to deal with the dilemma between being a designer and a businessman .

  28. 尽管有一部分外国企业抱怨称,中国的营商环境变得更为艰难了,但仍有数十家跨国公司在世博会上作了重大投资。

    In spite of complaints of a tougher environment in China from some foreign companies , scores of multinationals have invested heavily in the event .

  29. 我们会继续提供一个友善的营商环境及世界级的服务以支援跨国公司在香港及中国的业务。

    We will continue to provide a friendly business environment and a world-class service to backup international corporations doing businesses in Hong Kong and China .

  30. 目的是组织创造有利的营商环境,代表拉脱维亚的企业经济利益,并提供业务推广服务。

    The aim of the organisation is to create favourable business environment , represent economic interests of Latvia 's enterprises and offer business promotion services .