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  1. 齐是四个朝代中存在时间最短的,仅有23年。其第一代君王萧道成被称为齐高帝,齐高帝萧道成借鉴了宋灭亡的教训,以宽厚为本,提倡节俭。

    Spanned only 23 years , Qi was the shortest kingdom among the four others existed in the Southern Dynasties and the first king , Xiao Daocheng was later known as Emperor of Gao .

  2. 公元501年,萧道成的族弟萧衍在襄阳起兵,攻进建康,结束了齐的统治,并称帝,建立梁朝。

    In 501 , Xiao Yan , half-brother of Xiao Daocheng took the advantages of this disturbance , led an uprising in Xiangyang ( now Xiangfan City , Hubei ) , seized the capital Jiankang and named his dynasty Liang .

  3. 在此期间,刺史萧道成趁政治混乱之机而形成了较强的势力。公元479年,萧道成灭宋,建立齐。至此,刘宋宣告灭亡。

    Xiao Daocheng , Commander of Liu , aslo the Imperial Guards , gained his own weight in this confusion , usurped the power of Liu Song and changed its name to Qi in 479 , which brought an end to the end of the Liu Song .