
  • 网络sakhalin;Sakhalin Island;Karafuto
  1. 萨哈林岛大陆架东北部水域的碳氢化合物含量远远高于可接受的含量。

    In the north-eastern part of the Sakhalin Shelf , the content of aliphatic hydrocarbons is much higher than the acceptable .

  2. 作为这一人间地狱的缩影,《萨哈林岛》真实地揭开了沙皇残暴统治的秘密。

    His writing " Sakhalin ", a Russia in miniature , exposed the miserable life under the rule of the cruel czar .

  3. 萨哈林岛地震显示全球地震信息。

    The SakhalinIsland earthquake also reflected information on the global seismicity .

  4. 萨哈林岛在末次冰盛期的草原和泰加林主要山落叶松和松组成,和现在西伯利亚东北部的泰加林相似。

    During the LGM , bog and taiga were mainly composed of Larix and Pinus in Sakhalin , which could be correlated to the present northeast Siberian taiga .