
  • 网络Assassination at Sarajevo;Sarajevo Incident;Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
  1. 另外,在萨拉热窝事件发生期间,根本也不可能出现三明治这种食物。

    A sandwich would also have been a very unlikely food to find in Sarajevo during that time period .

  2. 在萨拉热窝刺杀事件前很久,就已有许多因素为一战的爆发埋下了种子。

    Many seeds of the first world war were sown well before the killings in Sarajevo .

  3. 直接起因当然是发生在萨拉热窝的刺杀事件,奥地利大公弗朗茨·费迪南遇刺身亡,

    The immediate cause was of course the assassination in Sarajevo of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand ,

  4. 今天,来自世界各地的民众齐聚萨拉热窝,纪念萨拉热窝刺杀事件及第一次世界大战爆发100周年。据NPR新闻的阿里·夏皮罗报道,刺杀事件仍存在质疑。

    People from around the world are in Sarajevo today commemorating the 100 anniversary of the assassination of the trigger World War I. NPR 's Ari Shapiro reports there 's still a debate over the assassin 's legacy .

  5. 该说法称,当奥匈帝国的统领之王斐迪南大公(ArchdukeFranzFerdinand)途径萨拉热窝时,一众刺客想要刺杀他(萨拉热窝事件)。

    The legend claims that while the Archduke Ferdinand , leader of the Austro-Hungarian Empire , was traveling through Sarajevo when a group of assassins had plans to do him in .